~Chapter 23-Adorably... Innocent?~

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-(Y/n)'s P.O.V-

"Hey, Princess?" Sans taps my shoulder, catching my attention.

"Yes?" I look up from the book I reading.

"I'm going to Undye's! She said she needed help testing something..."

"Well, stay safe. Don't do anything stupid."

"No promises!" He beams, running out of the front door.

I sigh with a small smile, looking up to papyrus' door. I shrug, looking back down at my book, but couldn't keep focus. I slam the book closed, setting it on a little side table beside the sick looking green couch.

"Mmm... I'd watch something on TV, but nothing would be on."

I stand from the couch, walking over to the front door where my boots were. After slipping them on, I open the front door, noticing the foot prints leading away from the house. I smile, closing the front door and walk over to Muffet's with a small skip in my step. I haven't been to this place except only once, and that was when I first got here. I open the door, everyone already inside looking over at the door to see me standing there. Bursting into a crimson blush, I close the door and shyly walk over to the bar, avoiding eye contact along the way. When I sit down on a bar stool, a hand firmly places itself on the bar in front of me.

"I haven't seen you here before."

There was this spider lady. She had short piggy tails and tons of arms. It was kind of cool.

"I-I haven't seen you either."

She smiles, her smile giving away a good feeling.

"Well, I'm Muffet. Nice to meet you-..."

"(Y/n)." I introduce myself, smiling back shyly.

"Do you want anything?" She asks, grabbing a cup laying on the bar, shoving a rag into it to clean it out.

"Just water," I nod.

She nods back, putting down the glass and walking into a back room. I cross my arms, hanging my head slightly. In the background, I could hear whispering. I bite my tongue, resisting the urge to yell at the to stop. Muffet comes back, sliding the glass of water over to me.

"So, have you made any friends?" She asks, leaning against the bar, all arms crossed.

"Yeah, actually. I have two- wait, three great friends. Papyrus, Sans, and Undyne." I cheer, forgetting about the glass of water.

She scoffs, smirking slightly.

"Next time you see papyrus, tell him to pay his freaking tap."

"Will do!"

For the next hour or so, Muffet and I talked. She would have to walk to the back room and couple times, but immediately start talking again when she got back.

"As much as I want to stay longer, I need to get home." I step off the bar stool.

"I hope I'll see you here again!" She cheers.

"You will." I smile, turning around and walking out of the warm room.

The cold air hits my face, causing me to shiver. I step into the snow, hearing it crack and crumble underneath my weight. Once I get a good pace, I start to hum, having other monsters look over at me. Most of them knew I was shy. They wave, making me smile and wave back. Once I get to the house, I stomp a couple times to get the snow off my shoes and open the door. I step inside, taking off my boots and setting them down by the door and closing it.

When I turn around, I scream out of fear. Sans holds out his hands, reaching out to comfort me.

"Relax! It's just me, Princess!"

His ungloved hand grabs mine, and this time, it wasn't cold.

"H-how are you human?" I stutter, blushing at his warm touch.

"Well, Undyne shot me with something on accident and it turned me human!" He cheers, his smile completely adorable.

I look him up and down, smiling widely.

"You're super cute like that." I giggle.

His face lights up the same color of blue, his eyes avoiding mine. But, still avoiding my gaze, he snakes a hand around my waist and pulls me close.

"I've always wanted to try this..." Sans whispers, placing a hand over the back of my neck and pulling me into a kiss.

It was weird. Nice, but weird. I was so used to not kissing actual lips. But his were so soft and it was a nice change.

"Oi! Makeout somewhere else!" We both hear papyrus yell.

Sans doesn't break away. Instead, he pushes me back against the wall.

"ACK! MY EYE SOCKETS!" papyrus shouts, slamming his bedroom door.

Sans smiles into the kiss before pulling away with a cheesy grin.

"I should do that more often." He winks, turning around sharply and walking into the kitchen.

I cover my face with both of my hands, trying to hide my dark red blush.

I could hear Sans chuckle from the kitchen...

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