~Chapter 20-For a purpose~

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-Normal P.O.V-

You wouldn't leave Sans' room.

You wouldn't eat.

You wouldn't sleep.

You wouldn't talk.

You just stared at the wall, watching the image of someone standing in a corner... staring right at you with a creepy smile.

That scream that echoed through the room made the hair stand on the back of your neck.

And the worst part?

Someone found Napstabot dead. He was cut up into little pieces. Who ever did this didn't care if he was part metal. On the wall above his body was bloody words that said:

"Should've stayed away."

There was no evidence.


No one could figure out who killed the popular robot that made almost everyone happy. Whenever someone tried to comfort you, you'd just push them away, hiding in the darkness. Who would have it out for him?

"Come on, (Y/n)..." Sans says softly, tapping on the door.

Opening the door, Sans sees your tiny figure curled up on his bed. His heart couldn't help but feel like it had been torn in half.

Part of him felt guilty.

Part of him felt satisfied.

After all... he was the one who killed Napstabot.

"Are you okay?" Sans asks, walking over to the bed, placing a hand on your back to comfort you.

You shake your head, refusing to look up at him. He sighs, crawling into the bed next to you. He didn't need to change since he was already in his night clothes.

"You have to talk to me."

You shake, sliding over and laying your head on his lap. He only runs his boney fingers through your hair in a way to calm you down.

"W-why would s-someone kill him?"

Sans didn't say anything.

"I have a feeling this is my fault." You mutter, wiping away your tears.

"No... it's not." Sans says sternly.

"Who ever did it was probably doing it for a reason." He mumbles harshly, low enough for you not to hear.

"Are you okay?" You ask, turning your head to meet his eyes that stared down at you.

"What d-do you mean?"

"I mean, your favorite celebrity was murdered."

He frowns, closing his eyes with a sigh.

"I'm fine." He smiles down at you.

You smile back, still feeling dread washed over your senses.

Sans leans down, his face hovering over your face. His glowing blue eyes were the only light in the room.

"Please don't be upset." He whispers, placing his forehead on yours.

"I'll try." You whisper back.

You push forward, sitting yourself up. He glances at the door, a wonderful, yet awkward plan set into his mind.

"Can I try something?" Sans asks turning his gaze towards you.

"Sure." Your cheeks instantly burn red.

He shuffles around, standing from the bed and forcefully picking you up.

"I did it!" He yells, opening his bedroom door and sprinting out of it like he was on a sugar high.

"You did?" papyrus asks from downstairs.

"I made her feel better AND got her out of bed!" Sans cheers, setting you down beside papyrus.
You open your mouth to say something but only get cut off.

"Eat." They both say seriously.

You stare at them.

They stare back.

You eventually eat because of the terrifying looks they were giving you.

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