~Chapter 25-Couple weeks~

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-Normal P.O.V-




"No. NO!"

You grab his ankles, dragging him to the front door, little scratch marks leading to the door.

"You can't stay human!" You grunt, ripping him outside.

"Yes I can!" He whines, kicking his feet.

Papyrus just watches you two bicker and fight. He had no intention of helping... None.

"Sans, I'll love you anyway you look." You drop his ankles in the snow, running over and shutting the front door before he could scramble back up.

"It-... Just won't be the same. I like to actually feel your lips when I kiss you." He crosses his arms, turning his head away like a little kid.

You blush, smiling lovingly down at him.

"Look, no, it won't be the same. But I'll still kiss you and anything else we've done before. Please just don't be upset about this."

He sighs, looking back at you with puppy eyes.

"Are you sure?"

You nod, holding out a hand to help him up. He grabs your hand, pulling himself up.

"Now go." You push him away gently.

He gets glossy eyes, huffing and turning around. You huff yourself, turning towards the door and placing your hand on the door knob. A hand grabs your wrist and spins you around, a pair of lips get pressed to yours. Hands firmly place themselves at your waist, bringing you super close. You knew who it was, and that's why you didn't push away. You also had to admit you'd miss Sans' human lips.

You instantly jump out of your skin when you feel him carefully bite your bottom lip. That threw you off.

(*inserts lenny face*)

Really, this was new territory for you and Sans. He didn't know what he was doing, neither did you. Being brave for once, you slide your hands up his chest and around his neck. You could feel the heat rushing off his cheeks, and it was cute since he was so embarrassed. Yours were probably as dark as his were. The door behind you opens and a boney hand thrusts out, flicking Sans on the forehead. He pulls back, placing a hand on his forehead.


You just stare down at the ground, trying to hide your blush. Sans doesn't say anything but winks at you and turns around, walking off like nothing happened. You're jerked inside by papyrus who looked very amused.

"Well? No thank you?"

"Huh?" You snap out of your love struck daze.

"Kid, you have to be careful with Sans for about... Mmmm, a couple weeks." He says seriously.
"Whoa whoa," you hold out your hands to stop him.

"Why should I be careful?"

He chuckles, chunking a book at you. You barely catch the book, looking down at it with a raised brow. By opening the book and skimming over the ripped pages, you throw it down, a blush creeping up your cheeks again.

"Sans is in heat..." You ask, staring down at the book on the hard wood floor.

"Yeah, and it'll only get worse when he's a skeleton again." Papyrus answers truthfully.

"I'M OUT! I'M MOVING TO CANADA! I'LL BRING BACK BACON! BYE BYE!" You yell, running out of the front door.

You hear papyrus laugh while you run to Muffet's. You slam open the restaurant door, walking over to Muffet with a nervous expression.

"Hey, Muffet?"

She turns to you with a all knowing smile.


"I need a place to stay for a couple weeks." You plead.

"Sure! It'll be fun to have a friend over for a while!" She cheers.

You sigh in relief.

"Thank goodness..."

Poor you.... Have fun trying to avoid the crazy murderer for 2 weeks. ;3

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