~Chapter 34-Biting back~

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-Sans' P.O.V-

"What are you?!" Alphys screams, backing herself into a corner.

I just giggle, crossing my arms behind my back.

"I'm a skeleton. Duh."

Her frightened expression turns hard and cold.

"Why am I scared of you?" She points, hissing slightly.

I smile, my eye twitching.

"Because you should be." I hold out my hand, a bone striking into the rock behind her.

I was taking a walk in the waterfalls, looking for those flowers (Y/n) didn't like. Sure, they are kind of creepy, but I like them.

That's when I found Alphys on guard. She hurt my feelings, and I have a feeling I won't be in the Royal Guard anytime soon. Plus, (Y/n) is scared of her.

So why not take care of the problem?

"What are you going to do? Hug me to death?" She holds out a hand, her palms looking sweaty.

I place my foot on the ground firmly, peering into her face with no expression.

"I'm going to kill you."

Without any other word, I jab I bone into her stomach, a wide smile stretched across my face. She goes to scream in agony but I cover her mouth, chuckling darkly.

"You never liked me, did you? I was always the loud, annoying skeleton that got on everybody's nerves." I grab her neck, cutting off her air supply.

She grabs my hand, trying to pry it away from her neck. She was strong for sure, so to get her to stop, I twist the bone impaled in her stomach. She yells out in pain, making me laugh.

"No one expects the little guy..." I mumble, letting go of her neck.

She takes a deep breath, trying to glare at me. I slip off my gloves, throwing them to the ground.

"W-wait until (Y/n) finds out about t-this-..." I cut her off, grabbing her neck again, but this time, I dig my sharp finger tips into her skin.

"She won't."

I twist the bone out from her stomach, watching her blood run down my hand and onto my arm. She stopped struggling and her grip loosened. I let go of her neck, feeling disappointment.

"I could've done a way better job..." I mutter, the bone in my hand disappearing.

I look over her dead body, smiling to myself. She was almost perfect like that. Blood dripped down her neck from the eight holes I left there. Of course, no one could miss the huge hole in her stomach, either. I definitely did I better job on Alphys than I did on Jacob and Napstabot. I knew she wasn't going to be my last victim.

I still have papyrus to deal with.

Maybe even Muffet if she keeps stealing all of (Y/n)'s time from me.

I pick up my gloves, putting them back on, leaving the blood still on my fingertips. When I turn around, I clench my fists.

"Well well well. Look what we have here!" I exclaim, clapping my hands together once.

There stood papyrus, his expression was one of a horrified man. That made me feel warm inside.

"You just murdered her..." He mumbles loud enough for me to hear.

"Yeah, but I did it for a reason."

He steps back, holding out his hands.

"When you said you would kill for (Y/n), I didn't think you would actually do it!" He looked angry.

I shrug, not really caring what he thought.

"Well, I kill people because I have a reason. And you touched (Y/n) knowing she was with me, so killing you will be a pleasure."

"But enough chatting," I clear my throat.

I blink, the little star pinpricks in my eye disappearing. I lunge forward, ready to hear screams of pain and agony.


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