~Chapter 29-Cuddles and bruises~

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-Normal P.O.V-

It was early in the morning. Both of the brothers hadn't gotten up yet, but you could sleep. You sat on the couch, head in your hands. You were freaked out, that dream kept coming back do haunt you. Sleep wasn't on your TO DO list anymore.

You stare at the TV that was switched off. In your reflection, you could see the dark circuls under your eyes. To make it even worse, the tear stains running down your cheeks didn't help.

"What are you doing up?" You hear Sans ask, walking downstairs with a tired look in his eyes.

You hide your face, turning your head the other way.

"Couldn't sleep..." You say softly.

You hear him walk down the rest of the stairs, his bones scraping together. His tiny little footsteps was the only noise that was heard through the quiet house.

"Princess, are you okay?" He puts a hand on your shoulder.

You don't answer, but simply rub your eyes. He hums, reaching his ungloved hand over and grabbing your chin, forcing you to look at him. He looked upset at you being sad.

"What's wrong?"

You just shake your head, not wanting to talk about it. He takes his hands away from you completely, which made you feel kind of lonely even if he was right there.

"This is serious..." He says to himself.

"PAPYRUS," he suddenly yells which almost makes you fly off the couch.


You didn't realize how loud your boyfriend could be.

Seconds later, angry papyrus comes stumbling out of his dirty room.

"What?" He says, almost a growl.

"I said (Y/n) is upset. She needs cuddles..." Sans blushes, pointing down to you who was now a tomato.

His angry expression softens as he stumbles down the stairs tiredly.

"Why are you upset?" papyrus asks you.

"Just a stupid nightmare. I'm fine, guys." You smile up at them, which they knew was forced.

They both ignore your gesture of telling them to go away, but sat on the couch and cuddled you anyway.

"G-guys..." You stutter, feeling very flustered.

"I'm not much of a cuddle person, but I'm willing to let it slide this one time." Papyrus smiles down at you.

"I'm always up for cuddles!" Sans exclaims, giggling like a little kid.

That made you smile. A real smile. You chose to not be difficult and cuddle them back. Your back was leaned against papyrus' chest while Sans layed his head on your lap, almost purring like a cat.

"I'm fine, seriously." You chuckle at Sans' playful attitude.

"Well, I'm already sitting, I'm not getting anytime soon." You hear papyrus behind you.

Sans suddenly sits up which makes you and papyrus jump out of surprise. He grabs your hand, pulling down your long sleeve.

"Why- why do you have bruises?" Sans asks, pointing to your blue-ish colored arm.

"I don't know. It was there when I woke up this morning..." You whisper, feeling shy all of a sudden.

Papyrus leans over your tiny frame, running a boney finger over your bruises. You didn't say anything and just let them inspect.

"I'll kill who ever did this..." Sans crosses his arms.

"I probably did it. I tend to grip my arm while I sleep." You shrug, trying to calm down the flustered skeleton who seemed deadly serious about killing someone.

The two seemed unsure, but let it go anyway.

"If anything happens, you'll tell us right?" papyrus asks, raising a 'brow'.

You huff, turning your head up and smiling at the older skeleton.

"Of course I would!"

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