~Chapter 42-Every single one~

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-Normal P.O.V-

You rub your eyes, sinking down to the ground. You uncover your eyes and realize you couldn't see anything. Everything was dark and there was no light was so ever. None.

"Oh gosh, am I going blind?" You ask yourself.

You look down at your hand and see that, no, you aren't going blind, but you were just floating in darkness.

You wanted to panic, but knew it wouldn't solve anything. You cross your arms to your chest, hanging your head low, trying to process what the heck was going on.

You feel a tap on your shoulder and you freeze.

"Excuse me," a voice says.

You slowly turn around, eyes widening.


You point, mouth wide open. The monster laughs, wiping some black substance off his cheek.

"Holy- I'm going insane." You mumble, rubbing your eyes.

There stood Sans, dressed up in some cute brown, black and cream colored clothes. He had the same smile your Sans had. He had one blue-ish pin-prick and the other was a yellow star. A giant paintbrush was slung over his back and his hands were on his hips.

"No, you're not!" He laughs, wiping some more of the black substance off his cheek, which you now knew was paint.

Behind him were like 1,000 more Sans. All of them looked different, yet all the same.

"Why am I imagining so many Sans-?" You lift a hand, wanting answers.

"We came here to help you, kiddo." One sans says.

He looked pretty normal. His eyes were drooped and he had a grin that told you he didn't really care. He wore a blue coat with some white fluff on the back. Under his coat was just a plain t-shirt. His shorts were plain black all except the two white stripes going down the sides. He was also wearing pink slippers.

"Why do I need help?"

They look at each other, shrugging and looking back to you.

"You're in trouble. Actually, everyone in your timeline is in trouble." The one you first met says.

"But before we get to that, we need to introduce ourselves!" He cheers, pointing to himself.

"I'm Ink! And no need to say your name, we already know." He smiles cheerfully.

"How...?" You ask, pursing your lips.

"We just know." One says, crossing his arms with a stupid grin.

You felt uneasy when looking at this Sans. He had this evil look in his crimson colored eyes and, oh boy, his teeth looked sharp. Not to mention the one gold tooth. Strangely, he had some sort if spiked dog collar around his neck. His clothes looked the same as the other Sans, just all black, red, and yellow.

Ink points to him, kind of dramatically I might add.

"That's underfell, or as we call him, Edgy."

You gulp, hiding behind Ink.

"The one we first saw is the original Sans, but we call him Sansy."

You chuckle, seeing Sans unamused expression. Ink moves, pointing to a adorable, sleeping Sans.

"That's Outertale, but we calm him sleepybones."

He had a stary outfit, his coat looked more fluffy than the rest. He was obviously sleep due to his slumped over body and light snoring. Ink walks over and flicks his forehead, making him jerk awake.


You laugh, instantly covering your mouth. Ink just looks back at you with a adorable smile.

He shuffles back to you, pointing over to one Sans who looked really upset. One of his eyes were blocked out by these white glitching boxes. Almost like a cloud. Blood dripped from his mouth and onto the red scarf wrapped around his neck, which one of his hands was holding onto. White, glowing tears bubbled from his eyesockets and down his cheekbones.

"That's Aftertale, but we all call him Geno." Ink mumbles.

He just smiles sadly towards you, waving with no effort. You shyly walk over and pull him into a hug. Every Sans was surprised at your sudden kindness. No words were needed. He looked like he needed a hug, and you provided. After pulling away and wiping away his tears with a cheerful smile, you walk back over to Ink. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Geno give a real smile. That made you feel awesome.

But that awesome feeling crumbles away when you see the second to the last Sans standing there. Ink didn't seem to like him too much either.

"That's Horrortale. We all call him killer." Ink grumbles.

You gulp, scooting behind Ink and peeking over his shoulder. The Sans known as 'killer' looked... different from all the others. You immediately noticed the hole in his skull. It looked really painful. His dark blue cost was splotted with red stains. His teeth looked even sharper than Edgy's, which frightened you. A blood covered axe was slung over his shoulder as he tapped hs fingertips on the handle. He didn't say anything, but just admired your fearful state.

"Don't get to close to him." Ink whispers to you.

You nod, your gaze focusing on the last Sans who seemed to have a cheer yet cool attitude to him. Ink juts his thumb over to him, giving a smirk.

"That's Dancetale. We really don't have a name for him..." Ink scratches the back of his skull, giving a shrug.

You hum, waving over to him. He waves back, shifting his weight onto one side. He didn't have a coat like all the others, but a blue hoodie instead. He didn't wear shorts but some comfortable pants instead. His shoes were converse which was your favorite type of shoe.

"Now that you know of all our names, we need to talk..." Ink places a hand on your shoulder, looking deadly serious.

"I don't even- what's going on?" You frown, feeling awful.


"You're in serious danger, (Y/n)."

I added all my favorites Sans'.

Sue me.

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