~Chapter 33-Close and closer~

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I want all of them.

-Normal P.O.V-

"I never realized, your cheeks are really cute!" Sans grabs both of your cheeks, giggling to himself.

You huff, letting Sans do his thing. Everything had been cleared up with the situation.

Well, to you at least.

Papyrus spends most of his time who knows where and Sans has himself attached to you 24/7. You don't mind, either.

"Sans, my cheeks hurt." You complain.

"But but, they're so cute!" He whines, letting go.

You chuckle, pulling him into a hug. He loves to give you at least 500 hugs a day.

"I want to cuddle, snuggle, and anything else that has me next to you!" Sans points to the couch, looking deadly serious.

You laugh, sitting down on the couch and patting the spot next to you. He blushes like a little kid, sitting down beside you and immediately pulling you into hug. You squeak in surprise when he places a cute and quick kiss on your cheek. Today was Sans' day off. He wanted to stay home with you all day, doing whatever you wanted. Both of you were in pj's, eating whatever you wanted, mostly tacos, and watching movies you got from Undyne let you borrow.



"... I still feel really guilty."

He goes quiet, staring into the kitchen with a angry expression. Little did you know that he was staring at the knives. He shakes his head, poking your cheek with a cheeful smile.

"I said it's okay," he says softly.

You twiddle your thumbs, refusing to look at him.


"No buts! Its fine, princess!" He grabs your hand and gives a reassuring smile.

You smile back, grabbing his face and giving him little kisses everywhere which he squirmed and giggled at.

"That tickles!" He laughs, kicking his feet.

"Then my job is done." You let go, tilting your head innocently.

He goes to say something but a pound on the door makes you fly off the couch. Sans points and laughs at you. You blush, walking over and opening the door.

You immediately turn pale and start to shake like a wet cat.

"Where is Sans?" Alphys asks, her normal dark tone.

Sans peeps over your shoulder, smiling at her.

"Hi Alphys!"

"Why aren't you at your post? You're supposed to be on a look out for humans..." She growls.

Sans just wraps his arms around your waist and lays his chin on your shoulder.

"I'm on my day off."

The lady standing in your doorway seemed to get very flustered.

"I think I should get more days off!" Sans points out, being a smarty pants.

"Why? You haven't done anything but make friends with a human." She juts her thumb to you.

Sans seemed hurt by her little comment. You reach up and flick her snout, glaring daggers. Sans just chuckles and Alphys looked surprised.

"I would like you to not hurt my boyfriends feelings, thank you."

"Did you just-"

"Flick your nose? Yeah, I did." You narrow your eyes, Sans quietly laughing to himself behind your back.

She just growls and turns around, stomping away. You close the door and Sans starts laughing out loud. You watch him hurl over and clutch his stomach.
"W-why are you laughing?"

He just looks up at you with tears streaming down his face while he laughed. You though his laugh was adorable, but didn't say anything.

"You just told off a monster that is way stronger than you because she kind of hurt my feelings." He coos at you, wiping away the blue tears.

You blush in embarrassment. Sans just kisses your forehead, both of his hands on your shoulders.

"I thought it was cute."

I want Her (Underswap!Sans x Shy!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now