~Chapter 19-Jealousy into hate~

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-(Y/n)'s P.O.V-

Sans has been acting strange here lately. Whenever the TV is on, he'll stomp out of the room without a word. Napstabot is the only thing on TV and he hasn't acted normal since I told him about the flirting.

"Hey, you okay?" Sans asks, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I slowly turn around, my eyes filled with a lot of confusion.

"Ever since I told you about Napstabot... you've acted different." I admit, feeling slightly guilty.

He takes his hand away from my shoulder and brings me into a hug instead.

"Sorry, Princess. I'm just jealous." He says softly, looking away in embarrassment.

"That's adorable!" I chuckle.

The door bell rings which makes Sans embarrassed attitude fade away.

"Stay here," I tell him, shuffling over to the door and opening it to see Napstabot standing there.

When his eyes land on me, I could help but feel violated even if he hasn't done anything.

"What's up sweet cheeks?" He asks, leaning over to get a better look at my face.

I look back a Sans and with a kind of terrified look. His mouth was open, his fangs were shining and ready to bite into flesh. His fists were clenched and his eyes were filled hate and thurst for blood. His potion was ready to leap on Napstabot and rip him to shreads.

"Um-... Sans?"

His eyes glance over at me which seemed to calm him down. His angry expression turned when I said something. I wasn't scared of Sans, but something told me to be afraid at this moment. He smiles, seemed forced. He strides over to me, pulling me close to him by the waist. I blush, looking down and trying to be invisible.

"Hi!" Sans waves at the robot standing in our front door.

"Who is this?" Napstabot asks in a snobby tone, looking straight at me.

"This is my boyfriend Sans." I hint on the word boyfriend.

Sans was glowing with happiness after I said the word boyfriend, which was extremely cute. Napstabot didn't look so happy...

"So you're dating someone? And it had to be a skeleton?" He points to Sans.

I could feel rage bubble through blood, making Sans stiffen.

"Listen, I'm very happy with Sans. Now what do you want?" I hold out a hand, telling him to explain.

Napstabot hands me a piece of paper and leaves without a word. While I was looking down at the paper, I see Sans wave to Napstabot from the corner of my eye. I shut the door, beaming with glee.

"This is awesome!" I exclaim, holding out the paper to Sans.

He takes it from my hands, looking it over with a smile that seemed to grow.

"A ball?! That's awesome!" Sans squeals.

"Its at 6 tonight and it's 4 now... I need to get ready!" I clap my hands together.

Sans nods, pointing up to his room.

"I don't want to see you until you're completely done." Sans smiles lovingly.

"You're too sweet for your own good." I kiss his cheek, rushing upstairs.


-Normal P.O.V-

"Bro, it's only been 40 minutes. She's still getting ready." Papyrus chuckles at his younger brother.

Sans was pacing around in excitement, barely containing his nerves.

"I'm just so excited! I've never seen (Y/n) dressed up before..." Sans was practically drooling.

"Tsk. Perv." papyrus shakes his head.

"You would be acting like me if you had a girlfriend." Sans snickers, laughing to himself.

Papyrus opens his mouth to say something but gets interrupted by you opening the door.

"I-uh... I don't think we should go. I'm kind of nervous!" (Y/n) runs down the stairs in a panic.

The two blush, looking away in embarrassment.

(Ooo, papy don't even go there.)

You were dressed up in a (f/c) dress that Sans had bought you... and it didn't exactly cover your legs. It was long in the back, and short in the front. It had no sleeves, which made the two blush even more. You're hair was put up up perfectly and you wasn't wearing makeup because Sans said you looked beautiful without it.

"We have to go!" Sans whines.

You blush, scratching the back of your neck.

"You're beautiful, now let's go!" Sans points to the door.


By far, you were the prettiest there. Everyone else was wearing really poofy ball gowns while you wore something flowy and showed your curves.

"Why are you so nervous?" Papyrus asks.

"If you haven't noticed... I'm not much of a people person!" You scold, sitting down in a bar stool, watching everyone dance.

"But you shouldn't be!" Sans smiles.

You couldn't bring yourself to dance or talk to anybody. Papyrus stands, waving to you guys as he goes to talk with Undyne and Alphys. Jacob was nowhere to be seen, which was a good thing.

"Are you really that nervous?" Sans asks, slyly sliding his hand over your shoulder and pulling you close.

"Y-yeah. I'm not used to this type of thing."

"Well," he stands, holding out his hand.

"Lets get you used to it."

You grab his hand and he yanks you out of your bar stool and to the dance floor.

"Sans I feel watched." You blush, hiding your face with your hands.

He scans the area, his eyes finding that, in fact, you were being watched. Napstabot was staring with an evil look on his face. Sans seemed to get a dark aura around him, and everyone in the room could feel the tension. Instead of dancing, Sans leads you over to papyrus and walks off into the crowd.

"Whoa. What's his bad mood about?" Alphys asks.

You watch him stomp off with a concerned feeling.

"I don't know..."

The bright and flashing lights cut off, leaving it completely dark.

"What?" You mouth, trying see what the heck was going on.

A yell of terror was heard through the huge room, which made you cling to papyrus. The lights flickered, making you feel sick. A feeling of dread washed over you and everything seemed out to get you. Looking off into a dark corner near the entrance of the room, you see someone standing there, blood smeared on their cheek and a knife glistening with blood in their hands.

The lights flicker again, and then the person was gone. You start to cry out of fear. Papyrus had a look of concern on his face, but he also looked like he knew what was going on.

And that terrified you...



Napstabot is gone.

Lul. He deserved it. We belong to bb. ;3

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