~Chapter 30-Warning signs from Sans~

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That picture just- mmmmm. I'd hit that. ;3

-Normal P.O.V-

It was a nice... 'sunny' day in the town of Snowdin. You and Sans, with enough begging, got papyrus to take a walk with you. Sans seemed to keep you real close, which you were really confused to, but didn't say anything. The two brothers were talking while you stayed behind, admiring the two that were the perfect brothers with each other. Sans would sometimes point his finger and fuss while papyrus just blushed and looked away. You had to admit, papyrus looked cute when he blushed.

"SKELETON RIDE!" You yell, running up and jumping onto papyrus' back, Sans eyeing both of you down.

Papyrus almost trips from the extra weight, but manages to get his arms under your legs and hands gripping your thighs. Sans slowly holds up his finger, only so papyrus would see it, which he did.

"Why so happy, Princess?" Sans asks, his tone deathly chirpy.

"I don't know!" You giggle, wrapping your thin legs around papyrus to keep from falling off.

"Its just - I've got my favorite guys with me today!" You cover your face, barely keeping in your excitement.

"Well, were not THAT special." papyrus puffs out smoke, glancing back at you with a faint orange dusting his cheekbones.

"What?! You guys are awesome." You look down at Sans and smile lovingly which makes him turn blue.

"I know..." Sans giggles uncontrollably.

"I'm friends with a bunch of idiots..." papyrus mumbles loud enough for you two to hear, which was what he was going for.

"Why thank you- HEY!" Sans glares, crossing his arms.

You just huff, grumbling something that the two couldn't pick up. You suddenly climb further up papyrus, him trying to keep a grip on you.

"There!" You point, almost falling off the tall skeletons shoulders.

You see Muffet talking with some other guy monster, her purple blush very visible.

All three of you walk over as the guy walks away, which gave you the perfect chance to torture her.

"Ooooh~!" You coo, a purr coming from you which makes papyrus turn his head the other way.

"W-what are you guys doing here?" Muffet asks, stuttering uncontrollably.

"I saw you and that guy," you smirk, laying your head down on papyrus' while Sans' gaze burned holes through the three of you.

She shakes her head, holding out her hands that were shaking.

"H-he's just a friend..." She mumbles, smiling slightly.

"Sure." You cross your arms, tsking.

"Continue!" You yell, which causes everyone to jump at your loud tone.

Muffet laughs, waving and heading on her way while papyrus and Sans turn around and start heading back to the house.

"What? WHAT?! Other way guys..." You twist your body, pointing towards the other direction.

"No, you need to calm down..." papyrus sighs, placing a hand over his face.

"I agree! What is wrong with you?" Sans asks, slightly horrified at your happiness.

"Awe, I'm just in a good mood. Plus, Undyne gave me candy..." You blush, your face looking like a cat face.

"That's why!..." Sans laughs, the stars in his eyes getting huge as papyrus sets you back down on the ground in front of the house.

"I have to go to work, but I'll see you later, Princess!" Sans exclaims, pulling you close, making sure papyrus was watching.

He grabs your chin and gives you a heated kiss, right in front of his older brother, who looked away like he knew he never had a chance.

Sans pulls away with a innocent smile and walks away, waving back at the blushing you. You wave back, scrambling inside of the house. Sans turns his gaze over to his older brother, his eyes filled with something his brother had never seen before.

'Mine.' Sans mouths, smiling and turning around, skipping away.

Papyrus just stands there, staring down at the snow. His 'heart' hurt for sure.

He looks at the door that was wide open, seeing you flop down on the couch and sigh.

He couldn't take it any more, he needed to tell you how he felt in any way possible.

Any way possible...

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