Choice (B):The terrified

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"You never tried to be friends with me."

"This isn't just about (Y/n)."

"I just wanted a friend, but you paid no mind to me."

"I'm broken inside..."



You cough, feeling tired and trampled on. You were propped up against a wall or post, keeping you sitting up straight.

"Well, come on, wake up princess!" You hear Sans chirp.

Your eyes snap open, your breathing instantly becoming ragged. You stand up, your feet aching from the cold. Your eyes scan over to the pile of bodies and bloody Sans.

You sharply inhale, tears immediately filling your eyes. Sans just smiled, pointing down to one body you recognized.

"Oh look! It's a dead Undyne!" Sans points like a little kid, giggling insanely.

You step back, shaking as fear took over your body. You burst out sobbing, Sans only chuckling darkly.

"Why why why...?" You ask, your voice cracking every time you spoke.

"Why? Because it's what had to be done." Sans whips his hand to the side, blood splattering onto the snow.

"Y-you didn't, m-monster!"

He only laughs, picking up a knife off the ground and walking over to you with a skip in his peppy step. You try to back up, but end up being pinned up against a wall.

"Are you going to run away?" He asks, putting the knife behind his back, pressing his body against yours.

You stay silent, a tear running down your cheek. You hear Sans chuckle, leaning his head forward and kissing away the tear. You let out a fearful cry as you feel his boney fingers wrap around your neck. He wasn't squeezing too hard, but could choke you if he wanted.

"I asked a question." He mumbles darkly.

You flinch, your eyes refusing to stop pouring tears. You couldn't speak, your body refused to respond to you. He only sighs, propping on elbow on the wall.

"One thing I have to say," he starts, his grip on your neck tightening.

You struggle to breath, your hands trying to pry his off your neck.

"I'm not doing this just for you... I'm also doing this for revenge." He takes his other hands and wipes away some of your tears.

"No body wanted to befriend me. Only papyrus was there for me, then you came along, but now you hate me as well."

Your eyes start to glaze over, your hands dropping.

"I-I'm not alright..." He tears up.

You, in your last moments, give a weak smile before falling completely limp. Sans eyes widen, letting go of your neck and stumbling back. Your soul flickers a couple times before dying out and bursting into little pieces.

"No no no-!" He places his hands on the side of his head, crying out.

It was like the sane part of himself had been locked away the whole time. He had truly gained a lot of LOVE.

"I can't do this by myself! Please don't leave me!"


Your eyes were narrowed on the space around you. Everything was white, not another color in sight. One second, you were smiling at your crazy boyfriend, and now you're here.

Shuffling was heard behind you, which makes you turn around quickly.

"I-I s-saVed yOu ya' kNow."

You stare at error in front of you, everything hitting you so hard. All emotions were starting to catch up. You start to cry, hugging yourself to have some kind of comfort.

You hear more shuffling before you're pulled into a hug. You weren't expecting the glitch to hug you.

"I'm-m soRry." He mumbles, placing a hand on the back of your bruised head and pushing you into his chest further. You except the love, hugging him back and just crying.

"I-I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. I feel so lost and hurt..." You say, your voice muffled by his coat.

Error stays quiet, his one good eye darting everywhere..

"I k-kNow thE f-fe-feelIng." He pats your back.

"I kNow iT alL toO weLl..."

I want Her (Underswap!Sans x Shy!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now