Choice (D):The upset

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"Why did I do this?"

"But they had it coming."

"I'm a monster..."



You groan, your fingers twitching from the cold. You heard crying, the kind of crying that makes you cry too. Attempting to open your eyes a couple times, you finally wake up fully, the light hurting your eyes. You look over at your twitching fingers and realize they had blood on them. You sit up straight, gagging at the sight.

Sans was on his knees, hands over his eyes and sobbing to himself. You stand up, instantly grabbing your head from the terrible headache you had.

You didn't cry or sob, but felt your face go pale at seeing all of your friends killed, murdered. The sight became to much and you topple over, holding up your hair as you let go of everything you had in your stomach. Everything tasted bitter and made you feel even more sick.

After awhile of cooling yourself off, you walk over to Sans, avoiding the bloody puddles. You didn't dare look at the pile of bodies again.

"Sans..." You choke out, your voice sounding scratchy and dry.

Sans' sobbing dies down as you bend down and place a hand on his back, trying to calm him down.

You were upset with yourself. How could you let this innocent skeleton turn into cold blooded killer without even realizing it?

"S-stay away!" Sans cries, turning away from you.

You sigh, taking your hand away from his back.

"Sans please look at me..."

"You have to go away before I kill you too!" He covers the sides of his skull, like he wouldn't listen to what you had to stay.

You knew you couldn't stay here, not with him. But you couldn't just up and leave him either.

"Sans, I still love you and I know you would never hurt me." You coax, smiling at him with pity.

His breathing seemed to calm at hearing your words. After turning back to you, he pulls you into a soft hug, all of his feelings pouring onto you.

He was feeling anger. Anger because he did this, but also horror because he did this.

"I-I never wanted this... I never wanted any of this!" He cries, his tears dripping onto your back.

You finally feel tears run down your face, now of all times.

"Sans I can't stay here," you pull away to look at him in the face.

He seemed to have a expression of understanding.

"But I can't just leave you either."
"Just go, (Y/n)." He smiles sadly, the stars in his eyes cracking into little pieces.

You pull him into a kiss, a soft kiss that let you know you'll always love him no matter what.

"I love you," you reach behind his back toward a orange reset button.

"And that's why I have to do this." You press the button, Sans smiling happily.

"Finally, I won't have to deal with all the pain anymore."

You hug him close before everything turns white and disappears.


You stare down at the pile of yellow flowers under you. Everything just hit you at once.

You were pushed down here by a guy who pretended to like you.

After falling, you meet so many new friends and monsters to call family.

But then random killings started to pile up, and now?

You were sitting back on those yellow flowers you first saw. Everything felt so wrong now. No one would ever remember you. You couldn't face Sans again, or everything that happened would happen again.

You scream, grabbing the sides of your head and letting it all out.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this!"

You punch the ground, breathing heavy.

"It was never supposed to be like this..."

A tap on your shoulder makes you clamp up. After getting enough courage to face the other way, you stare in shock.


Ink was standing there with all the others standing beside him. His hand was held out, offering you something new. A chance to be happy again.

You reach up and grab his hand, a smile makes its way onto his face as your soft skin touches his hand.

"Come on. Let's go home."

I want Her (Underswap!Sans x Shy!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now