~Chapter 28-Hugs and untold feelings~

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Enjoy this non related picture for this chapter!

-Normal P.O.V-

You run around the room, almost tripping over your own feet.

"Calm down!" Muffet laughs, watching your every move.

"I can't! I get to see Sans and papyrus today and not have to be afraid of kisses or hugs..." You sigh, a happy smile present on your face.

She laughs, leaning back against her bed, it squeaking creepily.

"Wow. Someone is love struck." She snickers, highfiving one of her spider friends.

You look back at her, smirking with one eye open and the other not.

"Yeah, like you would know..."

She gasps, putting two of her hands over her chest.

"You hurt me. That cut me real deep, (Y/n)." She poses dramaticly, her pigtails swishing from side to side.

You scoff playfully, grabbing your bag and walking to the door.

"Hey, no good bye?!" She yells, clearly frustrated.

You look back at her and smile.

"I'll see you later, Muffet." You wink, kicking your foot and leaping out of the door.

You hear her laugh, kicking her feet off her bed.

She lived in a little room in the back of her diner. So walking of that little room, you were greeted by the many faces of monsters that were enjoying themselves. You jump over the bar, too lazy to walk around it. You've gained some cool. Hanging around Muffet made you realize being shy was just being insecure about yourself. Yes, you still were, but baby steps are very important. You haven't seen Sans or papyrus since that day you were going to that tiny shop. You have missed them dearly, just because they were the people you knew the best, but you were also pretty close to Muffet as well.

You shuffle out of the diner door, saying hi to everyone as you walked by. You break into a full on sprint, not wanting to wait any longer to see the two brothers. Your tiny foot steps in the snow was fun for the little monsters to play in. You run up on the tiny porch, taking a deep breath and opening their door. It was quiet, except the snoring papyrus on the couch. You knew Sans wouldn't be home, so you'll just have to deal with the lazy skeleton for a while. You drop the bag, quietly closing the door and tip-toeing to the couch.

"PAPYRUS!" You scream, which makes him snort and jerk awake, his eye glowing bright orange.

"WHAT WHERE?!" He yells.

You go into a fit of laughter which makes him shrink back knowing it was only you.

"Oh, hey kiddo..."

You smile, propping one foot up on the other, twisting your arms together behind your back.

"Miss me?" You ask, tilting your head slightly.

He closes his eyes, leaning his head back onto the cushion of the couch.

"Yeah, I did." He answers truthfully.

Your smile turns into a huge grin.
"What? No hug?" You ask, blinking way to fast.

He opens one of his eyes, cracking a small smile. He opens his arms, not bothering to get off the couch.

"You lazy bones," you chuckle, stepping over and falling into his arms, welcoming the warm hug.

He rests his head on yours, not saying a single word. You just smile, nuzzling into his chest.

He had to admit, he may or may not have feelings for you. He knows you're with Sans, and he hasn't told anyone. He just keeps his feelings to himself.


You jerk from his chest, papyrus almost flinging you off him. Sans bursts through the front door, his cape covered in snow.

He stomps over to the two of you, pointing down.

"MY TURN!" He yells, grabbing your hand and pulling him from his older brothers grasp.

Papyrus only stares in shock as your dragged upstairs into Sans' room. He automatically face palms, knowing how it feels for the both of them.

He just got a taste of his own medicine.

Shhhhh.... *puts finger to your lips*

Yes, papyrus does have a crush on you, and more details will come later... maybe even a kiss. I haven't decided.

Have a nice.... Day? Or night...

Or both? .-.

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