~Chapter 43-Blushing all kinds of colors~

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I'm calling Dancetale Sans Dancey.


-Normal P.O.V-

You look down at the ground, grumbling to yourself.

"I swear if it's Temmie again-"

"No, it's worse." Ink avoids eye contact.

Sleepybones walks up and hits Ink in the back of his skull.

"That's pay back. That's also for being so serious. Lighten up!" He cheers, smiling sluggishly.

You couldn't help but smile at his cheery attitude.

"I'm still trying to get over the fact that there is more than one Sans." You laugh, making them look away in embarrassment. Well, all except killer who seemed to be fine.

"Oops. I might have forgotten to mention that..." Ink holds out a finger, smiling nervously.

You hear Geno sigh, running a hand over the eye that wasn't covered.

"Welp, I'll put it short. There is different Alternate universes. We all have one of our own." Sansy winks, being completely calm about the whole situation.

You nod, still not completely processing it all.

"They're all lame." Edgy points out.

Ink goes into a fit, stomping his foot a bunch of times.

"Hey, I'm way better than you!" Ink shouts, looking absolutely furious.

"Whoa whoa, not cool." Sleepybones holds out his hands.

"I'm the classic Sans. I'm the best." Sansy chuckles.

"You're all- eh." Dancey shakes his head.

"If anything, I'm way better than all of you combined." Killer swings around his axe.

Geno looks over at you and smiles, which you returned the favor. He seemed to enjoy having you around. He walks over to you, his pace very slow and kind of sad.

"Hey, sorry about them." he says softly.

"It's fine! I live in this." You giggle, shaking your head.

He only chuckles, leaning over and wrapping a hand around your waist and bringing you close, laying his head down on yours. You just smile and watch all of the other bicker and fight.

Sansy seemed to not have a care. Edgy looked smug. Sleepybones was wagging his finger around like someone sassy. Ink was stomping his foot repeatedly, steam coming out from practically everywhere. Dancey just leaned back and enjoyed the view, butting in to give a comment here and there. Killer just snickered like it was nothing, but shook to keep himself from hurting them.

"I will paint you!" Ink yells, holding his paint brush up to sleepybones, eyes twitching.

You snort, trying not to laugh at Ink's threat. Geno just sighs, secretly enjoying this as much as you were.

"Fight me!" Sleepybones holds up his fists, waving them around dramatically.

Edgy and Killer were having a staring contest. If looks could kill, they would both be dead.

Then you had Sansy and Dancey just shrugging at one another, not knowing what to do.

"Guys!" Geno shouts, catching their attention.

They all look over, slightly surprised at him yelling.

"We came here to warn (Y/n) about Error but you ended fighting instead." He glares, tsking at all of them.

Ink opens his mouth to say something but closes his mouth before anything could come out. All of the others look away in shame.

"Now, Ink, get your colorful butt over here." Geno points in front of him, letting go of your waist.

Ink looks away in embarrassment, scrambling over to you. You smile over at Geno, making him smile back.

"S-sorry, (Y/n)..." He mumbles.

You just smirk, shrugging at all of them.

"It's fine! I thought you all looked cute fighting anyway!" You chuckle.

Everyone got quiet. You realize they were all blushing and avoiding eye contact with you. Ink was the most colorful out of all the Sans'. It was a freaking rainbow dancing across his face, which you found absolutely adorable. Sansy had a light blue spread across his face, kind of like blueberry. Edgy had a light red dusted across his cheekbones. Sleepybones had a faint yellow blush, barely visible. Killer had a really dark red blush visible. Geno just scratched the back of his skull, blushing the same color as Edgy. Dancey just shrugged, pulling his hoodie hat over his head to hide the dark blue blush.

"Sorry if I made that awkward." You give a short laugh, shrugging at all of them.

The all just wave their hand, telling you it was fine.

"Anyway..." Ink starts, smiling at you, his star eyes sparkling.

"Let's try this again!"

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