~Chapter 9-Stay away from (Y/n)~

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-Normal P.O.V-

It was awkward after that little incident. You, nor Sans would say anything to each other. You would just stare and glance at each other from afar. Papyrus knew exactly what was going on, and he absolutely loved it. Teasing Sans was number one on his list.

(Y/n) was a shy girl in the first place,so she wasn't used to seeing any guy so... vulnerable? For sure, she was hung on that little image she had painted into her head. She hadn't said anything to the two brothers for awhile. But, papyrus being the jerk he is, had to ask why she was so flustered.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" He taps her shoulder, trying his very best not to smirk.

She turns around, her feet crunching over the snow. Little snow flakes fell into her hair which made her look beautiful.

"Yeah?" She asks in a quiet tone.

"Why won't you talk to Sans?" He asks, peering into her face, making her very uncomfortable.

"I- UH, don't know what y-you're taking about..." She hides under her hair which fell over her eyes, trying her best to be invisible.

"Hey guys!" A happy voice calls.

Papyrus looks over his shoulder at his younger brother with a smile.

"Sup, bro?"

"You'll never believe it!"

You look up slightly, seeing Sans smiling at the both of you.

"What's going on?" You ask, hiding behind papyrus slightly.

"There's another human down here!" He cheers, his eyes in the shapes of stars.

"Whoa, really?!" You ask excitedly.

Papyrus snickers before pushing you out from behind him and to Sans.

"Would you like to meet him?" He asks in a shy tone.

"Sure!" You clap your hands together.

Sans couldn't notice the snow in your hair and how red your cheeks were from the cold. He smiles, holding out his gloved hand for you to take. You were hesitant at first. The last time you touched him didn't go very well.
You slowly grab his hand which makes his smile grow. Papyrus shoves you both forward, telling you to move.

"I want to see the other human, hurry up." He waves his boney hand in a sassy way.

Sans nods and proceeds to drag you away, papyrus following behind the both of you without a single word. He leads you across the whole town, his smile never dropping. You couldn't help but smile at his smile. It was contagious.

But your smile dropped at seeing who was waiting at the Snowdin sign. Sans looks back at you, his smile slowly fading away at seeing your fear struck expression. Papyrus couldn't help but notice it, too.

"Kid, you okay?" Papyrus asks, glancing over at the other human that was smiling at you.

The two jump up in fright after hearing you finally speak up.

"What do you want?!" You shout, pointing a finger.

The two brother got a angry vibe coming off of you which automatically made them glare at the the other human.

"Well, I came to see my favorite friend of course!"

"Bite me." You hiss, stepping in front of the two skeletons.

"Oh, (Y/n), stepping up finally?"

You narrow your eyes on his nose, throwing a rock at his face which hit him right in between the eyes.

"Ouch." He mumbles, placing a hand over his forehead.

"Go rot somewhere else." You step back, your eyes filling with tears.

"I already made the effort to come down here, you're coming back with me." He scoffs, stepping forawrd to grab your arm.

Sans and papyrus quickly shut that down by stepping in front of you.

"Don't touch her."

"That's far enough, pal."

You couldn't help but smile the slightest at how they were protecting you.

"Why are you so afraid of this guy?" Papyrus asks, not taking his eyes off of the jerk.

"I-I never told you how I ended up down here. I was pushed by a friend of mine." You said, leaning against Sans back.

He didn't budge, but kept glaring daggers at the guy who tried to touch you.

"The same 'friend' you're protecting me from now..."


You could feel Sans shake and papyrus step forward just a bit.

"That's me!" Jacob points to himself in a proud way.

You feel Sans pull away and snow crunching behind you. You turn around to see Sans right in Jacobs face.

"Alright human, let's get one thing straight." He says in a freaky happy tone.

"You don't touch, look, or get anywhere near (Y/n)!" He says in a dark tone, still smiling.

"Or I, the great Sans, will let my brother kill you!" He growls, stepping away and walking back over to you, bringing you into a hug.

Papyrus smirks, lighting a cigarette and puffing out the smoke. You look up slightly to see Sans smiling at Jacob. The way he hugged you was like him saying, "she's mine."

You snuggle into his scarf, smiling at Jacob also.

"Feel free to enjoy Snowdin!" Sans cheers, turning around and pulling you away, but not before mumbling:

"I'll let Alphys know you arrived."

Well, DAYUM!

Scary bb rolling into the club!

Anyway, you guys suck. Like, really suck. I was hoping you would all choose Error!sans, BUT NOPE!

Freaking underfell wins... WELL YA KNOW WHAT-? *flips random table* IM MAKING TWO FICS!


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