A/N: *inserts awesome title*

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... HOI!

I has some news for chu.

This book is going under some changes if no one has noticed.

I've recently gone over my earlier chapters and saw the way Sans acted wasn't his normal cheery self.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks falling from space.

Brick: You should turn this story into a Yandere!Underswap!Sans x Shy! Reader.

So... that's what it is now. Sans will now be crazy and do anything for you.

You're most welcome.

ALSO KNOW THIS! I love blood and gore.... so if you are squeamish... FLEE NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE!

Reader: I'm out-


Reader: '-'


Here. Have a picture of Sans creepily (yet sexily) staring at you.

You're welcome again.

I want Her (Underswap!Sans x Shy!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now