~Chapter 35-Sharing isn't caring~

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-Sans' P.O.V-

Papyrus breaks into a full on sprint. For him being lazy all the time, he sure is fast.

He runs into the confusing part of the waterfalls. That just made things a little harder.

"You can't hide forever!" I growl, twirling around a bone in my hands.

I peek around corner, seeing him standing there waiting for me to show up.

"Come on, Papy~! I promise it won't be too bad..."

He just shakes his head, getting in a fighting position. I huff, not in the mood to fight anyone at the moment.

"Why can't you just let it go?" He asks, looking quite irritated.

"Because it's hard to let things go when you only have that one thing to hold onto." I clench my fists.


"You just don't understand!"

"No one ever liked me. Other monsters still don't like me. But (Y/n) didn't run, she actually loves me for who I am."

Papyrus gets a look on his face like he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"And if she's the only one who loves me for me, then I'll protect her any why I can." I hold out my hand, bones striking down from the ceiling, trying to hit papyrus.

"She's my reason papyrus! She's my reason to kill anyone in my way."

"But you don't have to kill for her love, Sans." He says, dodging all of my blue and white bones.

"Hah, you believe what you want, but that's what I think."

Dust stirred from underneath his feet and the water reflected off the walls to make the cave we were in sparkled. I wanted that cave to be painted in red and littered with bones. Papyrus' bones to be exact.

"I was actually debating on keeping you alive, but now I see that was a huge mistake."

"You can't just kill any your problems, Sans." Papyrus sweeps a bone under my feet, knocking me down to the ground.

"My only problem is you." I mumble, getting up and dusting off my clothes.

"You know what, I'll let you live for now. Only because there will be other days where I need to kill. And I'm saving best for last." I smile innocently, sharply turning around and walking away.

"That way, you can see all of your friends die!" I laugh, looking back at him with a smug smile.

-Normal P.O.V-

You sat on the couch, flipping through a page of a book. The house was quiet all except your soft humming. Sans had told you he needed to do something, and you were completely fine having some time alone. Well, it didn't last long when both of the brothers come running through the front door, glaring at each other. But Sans was smiling insanely and papyrus wasn't.

"Uhm, guys?" You hold out a hand trying to get their attention.

Both of their harsh gazes snap over to you, making you flinch. You mumble a small: 'Nevermind' and stand from the couch, walking into the kitchen to get away from the crabby skeletons.

While your back was turned, Sans holds up a finger and runs it across his neck, pointing to his older brother.

"(Y/n)," papyrus calls out, making you turn your head.


"Come here a minute, please."

You cautiously walk over to them, smiling nervously.

"Do you trust Sans?" Papyrus points to him, his tone very bitter.

"Of course I do! Why? Is there something I should know?" You shrink away, trying to ignore their stares.

"Nope! He just wanted to ask!" Sans exclaims, smiling innocently at you.

"Oh, well, okay!" You smile at both of them, walking back into the kitchen.

Sans just smirks at his older brother, knowing he won this round.

"She trusts me." Sans crosses his arms.

"She'll always trust me."

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