~Chapter 46-Crumbled pieces~

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-Normal P.O.V-

You groan, hearing many voices in the background. Everything sounded like it was far away. You open your eyes only to cringe and close them due to extreme exhaustion. Your body felt like it had a ton of weights dropped on it. You also had the headache that wasn't so bad.

You were no longer hanging upside down but layed in the snow.

"Oh, everything hurts..." You mumble, placing a hand over the back of your head.

"Listen here-!"

You sit up, biting your tongue and sighing. You realize Sans is standing in front of you, arms spread out.

"Touch her had have a bad time..." Sans snaps at Error.

You stand up, wobbling and trying to keep yourself from falling. The two staring daggers at each other didn't even see you stand.

You back back away, trying to tip toe away, but then it hit you.

"Hey!" You yell at Error, making them both jump and snap their gaze over to you.

Without warning, you run over and tackle Error, Sans looking absolutely insane.

"Give.me.my.necklace." You narrow your eyes, still sort of light headed.

He just smirks, leaning back and enjoying the view of you. You're suddenly grabbed by the back of your shirt and dragged away from Error. You fight back, kicking your feet like a fussy baby.

"I'm not giving up until I have my freaking necklace!" You yell, struggling.

Error stands, dusting his black coat off. He just shakes his head, reaching into his pocket and pulling it out, holding it to his chest.

"Calm down, (Y/n)." Sans says softly, trying to calm you down.

Error just looks down at it, giving a smile before holding it up in the air and crushing it in the palm of his boney hand. Little pieces of gem crumble and fall down into the snow. You just stopped. Not a word was said after that.

You didn't cry or fuss, but clenched your fist and swung at Error, punching him straight in the face. You had no expression. No emotion was showing what so ever.

He holds his jaw, grabbing and jerking it to the side, the sound of popping bones filled the air as he put it back in place. You take a deep breath, turning around and slapping Sans across the cheek. Sure, they were both made out of bone, but you were pretty sure they felt that.

The two had the faces of shock. You on the other hand, had a face of seething anger.

"You lied!" You shout at Sans, tearing up.

You turn around and point to Error, hands shaking.

"And you're just an evil, cold hearted glitch!"

You back away, shaking out of fear. You just slapped a glitch and a murderer. It hurt you. Knowing your boyfriend had killed over monsters just for your love he already had. And Error? You didn't really now how to feel about him. Yeah, he killed Muffet, but only because Sans probably told him to do that.

Error just looks down, his smile turned around into a frown. He seemed to take your words to heart, disappearing with a face of hurt.

You felt sort of bad, but also was fueled with rage at the moment.

Sans just stood there in shock.

"H-how did you-?"

"Find out? I had a feeling from the moment you lied to me." You turn away, feeling the stress catch up with you.

"I didn't want you to find out." He says bitterly.

"You should've thought about that before you started to kill monsters." You snap, walking back to the house.

You feel a boney fingers wrap their way around your wrist and tug you back harshly, making you fall back onto Sans who was now breathing weird.

"Well now that you know what I do, I'll show you how I do it." He chuckles, his chest bouncing up and down.

He runs a finger over your cheek, leaning over your shoulder a whispers something you never thought he would ever say.

Then everything goes black.


(A): The unforgiving

(B): The terrified

(C): The forgiving

(D): The upset

When you wake up, what will you do?

Be wise, your answer holds your life in it's hands.

I want Her (Underswap!Sans x Shy!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now