~Chapter 14-It was real~

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Put on your big girl panties because this story is swerving into the lane of feels.

You're most welcome.

-Normal P.O.V-

"Hey, uh, S-sans?" You ask, leaning back onto his race car bed.

He pulls his ungloved hand away from the bookshelf and smiles back at you.

"Yes, Princess?" He asks, putting back on his blue glove and striding over to you.

"The other day... you were interrupted. You had something to tell me." You shake your head, your hair whipping around your face.

He blushes, turning around and heading over to his bookshelf.

"I don't remember." He answers plainly.

You sigh, standing from the bed and shuffling over to him.

"Please tell me," is all you say.

He slowly faces you, his face a dark blue.

"Like I said the first time, you would probably hate me after." He says in a quiet tone.

You press your body against his and warp your arms around his torso, nuzzling into his neck.

"I could never hate you."

He wraps his arms arms your waist, leaning his head on yours. "But monsters do, though. Why are you different?"

"Because I-... I love people and monsters who have a great personality. And you definitely have a good one!" You laugh lightly, pulling your face away from his neck.

Your face and his were so close. With one tiny movement, your lips could be pressed to his teeth. He had a nervous smile while you could only feel the blush crawl up your cheeks. You, without thinking, reach up and caress his cheek. He seemed to lean onto your touch, which made your blush darken.

"What did you want to tell me the other day?" You ask in a quiet tone, which made his heart burn with passion for you.

"I-..." he seemed to freeze up.

His eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips. You noticed it too. You crane your neck, pressing your lips to the side of his mouth. It wasn't his cheek but it wasn't his teeth either.

He mumbles a, "I can't take it."

You raise a brow. His hands move from your waist to the sides of your face. You stiffen out of shock.

"What I wanted to tell you the other day was..."

His eyes meet yours for a split seconds before he closes them.

"I love you."

He gently pulls your face forward, connecting his teeth with your lips. Your fingers scrunch up. This was your first kiss, and you never expected it to be with a skeleton. Your eyes flutter shut as you kiss back, your hands placed on his chest. At first, you wanted to push away out of shock. You could feel the heat coming off his cheeks and you were pretty sure he could warmth also coming off yours.

When you both pull away, the tension was thick. But to ease it, you smile lovingly.

"I love you, too."

If he had eyeballs you were pretty sure they'd pop out of his head. His loving yet nervous gaze turns into a surprised one.

"You-you don't hate me?" He asks, his voiced laced with shock.

You shake your head, tucking some hair behind your ear.

"Of course not."

Those words make him smile so wide you think his cheeks would break. He pulls away from you comepletely, sprinting towards the door and running out of it with a loud: "MWEH HEH HEH!"

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