~Chapter 32-Thoughts that shouldn't be~

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-Normal P.O.V-

First comes shock.

"You huh?"

Then comes sadness.

"W-why would you do that?"

Then comes depression.

"I-I don't understand..."

Then anger.

"We're brothers! How could you do that to me?!"

Then comes bloodlust.

"Watch your back."

Then comes...?


Papyrus had decided to tell his brother about the thing he kind of forced you into. Sans was throwing around so many emotions it wasn't funny. Papyrus didn't say anything the whole time his brother ranted. You sat in Sans room and heard him crying and yelling at his brother. You eventually started to cry yourself, just from being stressed about the whole ordeal. You hear papyrus apologize and Sans stop ranting. That made you worry, but you stayed quiet. Sans' bedroom door gently opens and a upset Sans walks in, closing the door behind him.

"Sans..." You say softly, making him look over at you with a small smile.

"It's fine," he takes off his gloves and scarf, setting them on the edge of the bed.

You watch him, feeling completely terrible. He just simply crawls over next to you and yanks you into a warm hug.

"I love you with all my heart... I'm not mad." Sans tangles his hands in your hair.

"But you should be." You mutter.

He just pulls you closer, resting his face in the crook of your neck. You didn't bother to hug back, not feeling worthy. You look out of the window, seeing your guilty looking expression.

Sans starts to cry, tears bubbling up from his eyesockets and down onto your arm and hand.

That made your dam break.

You start to cry too, hugging Sans close, your face in his chest. He seemed startled at your sudden outburst, but hugged you back just as tight and didn't say a word.

"I'm sorry." You lean up, smiling sadly at Sans.

He pulls you into a kiss, which made you feel even worse. His kiss was so light and soft, but full of emotions. Overwhelming emotions. His blue tears mixed with your clear ones and ran down into the kiss, which made everything taste like regret and empty promises.

"I'll love you no matter what. And if we had a moon and stars, I would love you to the moon and back." He says, pulling away with the most heartbroken smile he has ever given.

He reaches over and wipes away your tears with his thumb, trying to make you feel better. But every little movement and touch made you feel worse. His fingers were warm, but left a trail of ice on your skin.

You just lean onto him, his warmth soaking through your clothes. He cuddles you like no tomorrow, wrapping a blanket over the both of you.

He glances over at the door, his expression unreadable. On the outside, he looked sad, heartbroken, upset. But on the inside, his blood was boiling with rage. He knew leaving you here with him would end up like this, but he trusted someone with you, and his gut told him not to.

Truth was spilled from the mouth. Tears were spilled from the eyes.

But you know what hadn't been spilled? Blood.

What comes next after bloodlust?


"JuSt yOu waiT BROTHER. I'll gEt yoU baCk and I wON'T be nIce about it...

Revenge will be MINE."

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