~Chapter 22-Delightful deaths~

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This is a sorta kinda fill in chapter, BUT! It also explains some things and ties some loose ends together.

Prepare to feel shocked. '-'

Or not? .-.

-Sans' P.O.V~Memory Flashback-

I stomp away, feeling my sanity bubble away into insanity. I walk into the kitchen area, grabbing a knife and shoving it into my boot. The ball room was loud and people were laughing which only added to my insanity. I smile at finding the electricity box in a room that no one went it. I take the knife from my boot and jab it into the box, chuckling quietly at hearing everyone gasp and question why the lights went off.

I step out of the room, skipping over to Napstabot who seemed to not care what was going on. Since papyrus said I have girly hands, I'll just use that to an advantage. I walk in front of him and place my hand on his chest, which he seemed to not mind.

"Want to go somewhere?" I ask in a quiet tone, my eyes glinting blue.

"Wait, who is this?" He asks, placing his hand over my hand.

I chuckle darkly, reaching my hand up high, the knife ready to stab anything in it's way.

"Just someone you should've seen coming. Oh wait... you couldn't have."

I bring my hand down, the knife stabbing his blue heart. He screams out which makes me shiver in delight. I grab a handful of his hair and drag him away to the room nobody would go in. I kick his back, making his trip and fall into the room. I step in after him, closing the door with a slam. I flip a panel on the electricity box, making the lights flicker.

"Y-you?!" He coughs, pointing to me weakly.

"Are you surprised?" I chirp.

"What did I do?" He asks, taking his hand away from his stabbed blue heart that leaked red.

"You wouldn't give up. She didn't notice but I did. (Y/n), the girl that was never going to be yours." I glare, stepping forward.
"Wait, this is over her?" He asks, his body slumping against the wall.

I scoff, tapping my gloved finger against the tip of the knife.

"Pretty much."

His eyes start to loose the life they had before. I place a foot over his blue heart, pressing down hard which makes him gurgle up blood.

"Don't worry... you're not the first to die from my hands." I smile, stabbing his side which makes him cough, trying to yell out for help.

"I was going to let somebody else kill him, but I decided it would be better if I did it!" I jerk the knife to the side, hearing his metal body rip as I continue to slice him in half.

He grabs my scarf, his hand getting blood all over it. I finally had enough and jerk the knife so hard it cuts him in half. I hum in approval as he goes limp, his eyes forever losing their color. Of course, I was covered from head to toe in blood now. Red suits me. I reach my hand up to the brick wall behind him, writing a little note for everyone to see.

"Do you want to know what his name was?" I ask Napstabots dead body.

I step back, admiring my work. I could have definitely done better, but it's not like I have much time before other monsters find his dead body. I take off my scarf and any other closes that got blood on them, changing into some new clothes I brought just in case. I grab my crimson stained clothes and head for the door. I look back at Napstabot, grinning a wicked grin.

"His name was Jacob."

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