~Chapter 5-Promise~

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-Sans P.O.V-

I didn't know why I did it, or why I wanted to do it, but my conscious was telling me comfort her.

But I wasn't as happy as I thought I would be. I'm angry, furious, that anyone would ever come after her.

I look back at papyrus and scowl, not at him, but at the situation.

"Who do you think it is?" I ask, my tone dark.

He seemed startled at my attitude at the moment, but quickly shook it off.

"There's only two people I know who would be after her." He scans the area, checking for any unwanted attention.

He opens our front door, pointing to inside. I pick up the human bridal style and carry her inside. When I look down at her face, I see her nervous blush. I couldn't help but smile.

"Maybe I should call Undyne and ask her..." papyrus glances over at the phone.

I set the human down on the couch and rush over to papyrus.

"It's obviously Alphys!" I give a 'duh' face.

His face twists into confusion.

"We can't say anything until we get more information." He lights up a cigarette.

I walk back over to the human and sit down. She was staring off into space.

"What's your name, Human?" I ask, grabbing her hand.

She shyly looks over with a blush creeping up her cheeks.

"(Y/n)." She says quietly.

I was resisting the urge to give her a hug.

"Mind if we ask you some questions, (Y/n)?" I ask, peering into her face which only made her blush darken.

She nods slightly.

Papyrus, being the lazybones he is, flops down into the couch.

"How do you know someone is after you?" He asks.

She glances over at the window, her eyes had so many emotions swirling around in them.

"I was walking the the waterfalls and found these blue talking flowers," She starts, looking down at her shaking hand that I wasn't holding.

"I heard them talk which interested me. After listening for awhile, I decided to keep heading straight. I noticed the farther I got up the path, the less flowers there was. Then, there was this death green flower." She closes her eyes.

"It's pedals were falling off, and it slumped over like it couldn't stand. Then it said something I thought I'd never hear,"

"I is watching you."

She shakes her head, scratching her nose with was adorable.

"It wasn't even grammatically correct." She grumbles, opening her eyes.

Papyrus strokes his chin, nodding in agreement with himself.

"This wasn't Alphys."

I sigh in relief. Alphys doesn't know another human has fallen down yet, and I don't really want to fight (Y/n).

"Then who is it?" I ask, squeezing (Y/n)'s hand to comfort her.

"I'm not sure. It's definitely not Queen Toriel, or Alphys." He grunts in frustration.

(Y/n) turns deathly pale at hearing his words. Papyrus and I both noticed.

"You alright, kiddo?" papyrus ask, sitting up to get a good look at her face.

"Everyone is after me." She looks down at the floor.

I glare at papyrus, which only makes him mumble a 'sorry'. Without thinking, I pull her into my lap and lay her head on my chest. I could feel her whole body heat up. Her cheeks and ears turned completely red.

"I'll keep you safe," I whisper, leaning my head against hers.

"I promise."

I want Her (Underswap!Sans x Shy!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now