~Chapter 26-Dreams, nightmares, or life?~

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-Normal P.O.V-

You trip over your own feet, quickly scrambling to get up.

"Why are you running?"

You twist around, tears dripping off your face as you stand, pushing off the snow and running as fast as you could. You turn a corner sharply, only to run into Sans, the one you've been running from.

"Why are you running?!" He asks again.

You quickly turn around, running away from the guy you once loved. He grabs the back of your shirt collar, choking you to where you fall back. You let out a cry as he holds you in his blood covered arms, a sick and twisted grin stretched across his cheeks.

"Let me g-go! I can't... I can't love you after what you've done to everyone." You try to push away, only to be held in a firm grip.

"Everyone? You're still alive aren't you?" Sans questions, leading against a brick wall to get a better grip on you.

You give up trying to struggle, but you don't face him.

"I hate you..." You whisper, putting a hand over one side of your face.

"I was afraid this would happen..." Sans mumbles, dropping you completely.

You scoot away, getting up to run but only to be pulled back down by these weird tentacles wrapping themselves around your ankles and tripping you.

"If you won't love me," Sans cackles, dragging you back to him.

The things hanging onto your ankles hang you upside down. Sans caresses the side of your face, his smile forever burned into your head.

"I'll just make you..." He whispers seductively, his eye thirsty for the sight of red.


You sit up, a large gasp filling the tiny room you shared with Muffet. You glance over at her bed, barely able to see her from the darkness. You look out of the window, seeing the snow fall from who knows where. The only light in the room was coming from the streetlamps outside. Little moths fluttered around the lights outside while you turn your head away from the window. You tuck your knees up to your chest, letting your cries be muffled by the blankets.

That image of Sans' blood coated smile is something you just couldn't get out of your head. His insane laugh, his eyes that were glazed with thirst for blood. It felt so real to you, like it was actually going to happen. You curl your fingers and toes, grabbing onto the blanket that Muffet gave you. You knew seeing Sans wasn't a wise choice right now, but you really needed to see him, to ask him so many questions. But out of all the questions you wanted to ask, there was one you have wanted to ask both of the skele-brothers for a very long time.

"Would you ever hurt me?"

I want Her (Underswap!Sans x Shy!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now