~Chapter 21-Energy... then none~

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Here. Have a fill in sorta kinda chapter. Oh wait, the last one was a fill in chapter too.

Oops. ;3

-Normal P.O.V-



"We're all doomed until he calms down!"

"I didn't know he would do this!"

"You've dated Sans for over 9 months and you didn't know?!"


"No it doesn't!"


You and papyrus stare at each other, both of you trying your best not to laugh. You open your mouth to say something but Sans beats you to it.

"HUMAN! Human human human human human!"

You look down to see Sans pinned to the floor, papyrus holding him down with his blue magic. You dig around in your pockets, running over to the trashcan and throwing away all the candy you had.

"Evil!" You yell, chunking all the pieces away.

Papyrus was amused. Angry, but amused. Sans? He was to hyper to notice anything going on around him.

"Sans, bb, sweetheart, calm down!" You bend down to his height.

His already huge eyes seemed to grow bigger.

"Sweetheart?! You've never used that name before!!!"

You face-palm, hearing papyrus do the same thing. He only goes into a loud fit of adorable giggles, still flailing around of course.

"What do we do?" papyrus asks.

"I don't know... he's been at it for over 6 hours..." You mutter.

Then everything goes quiet. You turn around, very confused at the sudden peace. Papyrus snorts which catches your attention.

"What?" You ask.

He points down, his smile growing wider than you've ever seen it. You glance down, instantly sighing, placing a hand over your forehead. Sans was laying still, his face down into the carpet, little tired groans coming from him.

"Is it over?"

Sans turns his head, eyes closed and breathing heavy.

"That was fun." He mumbles, sitting up with a cheesy grin.

"No more candy for you." You hold out your hand.

His cheesy grin turns into a tired one as you pull him up. Sans wobbles, flapping his arms to stay up but falls over you.

"Ooooo! Don't get to comfortable guys~" papyrus snickers, not offering you a hand.

"I'm too tired to get up. I'm sleeping right here." Sans flips the both of you over, pulling a blanket off the couch and laying it over the both of you.

Papyrus raises a 'brow' at the both of you.

"Why won't you just get on the couch-"

"SHHHH!" You point down to Sans who was sleeping.

"He's quiet. Let him be."

Papyrus shrugs, teleporting away. You sigh, unable to rip yourself from his grip. You just go limp, laying on top of him was pretty comfortable. Plus, you could see his sleeping face which was the cutest thing ever.

Maybe one day... you'll give him candy again. And when you do, it will be for a good reason.

You have a serious weapon to prank papyrus with now.

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