~Chapter 31-Unexpected occurrences~

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Just.... Yas.

Anyway! If you don liek de Papyrus, chu need to leve.

-Normal P.O.V-

You sigh, flopping down onto the couch and pretending to turn on the TV, like a normal person would do.

You glance at the door to see papyrus standing there with his hands clenched and staring down at the snow. You raise a brow, sitting up to get a better look at him.

"Papyrus?" You call out which makes him jump.

He just groans to himself, walking inside and closing the door.

"Is everything alright?"

He just nods, his normal sarcastic smirk showing. You didn't believe it though.

"I'm fine," he walks over to you and ruffles your hair.

You push his hand away, fixing your hair with a playful glare.

"Are you sure? You seem bitter..." You tap your chin, giving a concerned smile.

He just shrugs, lazily sitting down on the couch next to you. You slam your hands down on the green couch, startling the  skeleton next to you.

"Papyrus, if you're not telling something, I will find out sooner or later. I'm a ninja, don't you know?" You purse your lips, trying not to smile or laugh.

He saw right through you and your tuff act. He reaches over and pokes your cheek which makes you bust out into a fit of giggles and laughs.

"I'm okay, (Y/n)." He smiles.

You stop laughing, staring him down like someone just died. He started to get uncomfortable under your confused gaze.


You reach over and feel his forehead dramatically.

"You said my real name... you always call me kiddo. Now I know something is wrong."

He turns his head to the side, cursing to himself quietly. You just tap your fingers together, wanting to help him.

"I'm just having some relationship problems..." He mumbles, avoiding any eye contact.

You open your mouth to say something but quickly close it, knowing all you would do is make it worse. He just watches you from the corner of his eyes, seeing you try to find the right words.

"I'm sorry," is all you come up with.

He just snickers to himself. All you do is shuffle over the couch and hug him close. He seemed uncomfortable with your soft touch at first, but gently eased into it. He takes a deep breath before saying something he thought he would never say.

"You're my relationship problems."

You sit straight up, almost falling off the couch.

"What? Why me?" You point to yourself like an idiot.

He just looked away, not saying anything else. You put your fingers to your lips, finally figuring it out.

"Oh papyrus, out of all monsters and humans, why me?" You were blushing crimson red, probably having a heart attack.

He didn't know what to say.

You reach over and grasp his hand which makes him blush but still not look at you.

"Please look at me," you plead.

You knew making him look at you would cause something to happen, but you just wanted him to look at you. Even a glance would be good enough.

You squeeze his hand, which makes him flinch. He wouldn't look at you. You just sigh, letting go of his hand and getting off the couch. Only a few steps away, your hand is grabbed and you're yanked back to the couch, sitting right beside him. A few seconds ago, he refused to look at you. Bipolar much?

"Out of all people and monsters, why you?" He questions.

"Because you're the only person who didn't run away..."

You were so red you thought you might explode. You didn't say anything, but let him speak.

"Most people that fell down here ran away or refused to talk to me. Sans was too little to understand what a human was at the time. You, out of the 6 people that fell down here, stayed and didn't scream at every monster down here."

You narrow your eyes, feeling awesome for being the first to be a friend, but feeling awful because he had to suffer for the longest time.

Without another word, he leans down and presses his 'lips' to yours. Your fingers clamp into your palm harshly, skin breaking under your fingernails. When he pulls away, you give a sheepish smile, trying to scoot away. As much as you loved Papyrus, Sans was your one and only.

You almost jump out of your skin when his slender arms wrap around your small frame and pull you in close. For a skeleton, he sure was warm. Without thinking, your tense shoulder fall and you snuggle into his embrace. Surely, Sans wouldn't get made over one kiss, right?

Right as your mind thinks everything will be okay, his arms tighten around you.

"You know I can't love you back, right paps?" You look up at him, eyes gleaming with pity.

He sighs, nodding his head without another word being said. At least the unbearable feeling was off his chest.
A knock on the door makes you let out a breath of relief, getting out of his grasp and heading over to the door. When you open the door, you see Muffet standing there with a grin.

"Hi, (Y/n)!"

"H-hey Muffet." You smile, fixing your hair so some could slide over your red cheeks.

"I was thinking, we should go have some fun together!" She claps all of her hands together once.

"Actually, I would really like that! Give me... an hour?" You cross your arms, leaning against the door frame.

She nods, stepping off of the porch and continuing back to the diner. You huff, closing the door and turning around to a blushing papyrus.

"S-sorry..." He mumbles, twiddling his thumbs.

You shake your head, smiling up at him.

"You wanted to get that out for a long time, I understand. We'll have to tell Sans though. I don't want your relationship to die because of me."

He nods, hugging you quickly and then letting go and teleporting back to his room. You couldn't help but feel a little guilty about everything.

You loved Sans and papyrus. But they both can't have you...

Or can they?

Edit: Redone this chapter because of........ reasons. ;>

Yeah. BYE.

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