~Chapter 8-More ways than one~

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Do you people like cringe worthy chapters? Welp, here ya go.


-Normal P.O.V-

"Papyrus, stop!" You use all of your weak power to push him back inside the house.

"Stop? STOP?!" He yells, pointing to his brother.

"Alphys could've killed him!" He shouts.

Scared was just an understatement for how you were feeling at the moment.

"Well, I took care of it! So chill out!" You grab the front of his hoodie, yanking him down to your height and staring him in the eyes.

Sans couldn't help but be surprised. You, the weak and shy girl, is standing up to an angry papyrus who wants to destroy anything and everything at the moment.

"Brother, (Y/n), please stop." Sans whispers, looking down.

(Y/n)'s expression changes from strern to soft. She let's go of papyrus' hoodie and sighs, rushing over to Sans and sitting beside him on the couch. Papyrus only glares at the door.

"Papyrus," She starts, jutting her thumb at the door.

"Go talk to Alphys, just don't kill her."

"No promises.." He mutters, slamming the door as he walked out.

Sans flinched then sighed.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n)." He frowns, staring at the door.

"Its okay," You nod, grabbing his hand and squeezing.

He suddenly smiles, but still staring at the door with sad eyes. You look down at Sans gloved hand and purse your lips, slowly sliding the blue glove off. You could feel him shiver slightly.

Me: GO EAT ONE THEN! *Dumps bucket of lemons out window*)

You run your fingers up the top of his hand and intertwine your fingers with his boney ones. You couldn't help but smile at his light shaking.

"Are you okay?" You suddenly ask.

He didn't reply but simply nodded, his eyes closed and breathing jagged. You go back to his hands, inspecting his sharp fingertips. Without realizing it, you take your other hand and run your fingertips up his arm. Your touch was light and soft which made him crave it even more. You sit down behind him, laying your chin down on his shoulder while running your fingertips up and down his arm.

He was interesting to you. The way he felt was different, his eyes were different and so was just about everything else.

You didn't even notice the blue blush raging across his face. You pull your hand away from his hand and arm, which made him slouch in relief. Its not that he didn't enjoy all this, but he was resisting the urge to pin you down to the couch. He looked so childish on the outside, but on the inside, he had plans for you and they were not innocent.

Your body pressed against his was really comforting, yet, made him feel giddy and jumpy.

"(Y-y/n)..." He whispers, clutching his broken arm to refrain any noises that he might make.

"Hmm?" You hum, completely dazed out of it.

You wrap your arms and legs around his waist and pull him into a backwards hug, your stomach laying against his back.

"I'm sorry about this." You whisper, looking up and kissing his chin.

He takes a deep breath, squeezing his broken arm even tighter.

"F-for what?" He asks, keeping his cool.

"If I hadn't even been pushed down here, you wouldn't have your arm broken." You mumble, laying your head on his shoulder.
"T-thats okay!" He cheers, his voice breaking.

"I love h-having you down here-" he stops when you run your finger over one of his ribs through the fabric of his shirt.

"Well, I love being down here too, even if someone is hunting me down." You smile, closing your eyes.

You pull one hand from hugging Sans and place one of your fingers on his spine.


He starts to shake, like he was cold. You press your finger against his spine a little harder, feeling all of the ridges and edges. It really fascinated you. It was funny, you had never thought bones could live and talk, but apparently they can.

"I-I don't think-" Sans starts, cupping a hand over his teeth.

You press to more fingers to his spine, hearing a moan come from his mouth. You were in such a daze. You heard nothing, you saw nothing, you just felt.

"(Y/n)," Sans moans out, removing his hand from his mouth.

You suddenly grab his spine which makes him squeal in pleasure. You snap open your eyes, sitting up straight.

"Holy-!" You stop mid sentence, seeing Sans embarrassing yet arousing state.

His eyes were half lidded, glazed with lust and embarrassment. A dark blush blue consumed his face while his hand clutched his broken arm tightly. But the thing thing that threw you off the most was the tongue that drooped out of his mouth while drool dripped off of the fangs he had. His breathing was heavy and his whole body shook. You instantly look down at the hand holding his spine and let go. He sighs, pulling in his blue tongue and wiping away the glowing saliva. You unwrap yourself from his body and scoot away, falling off the couch in the process.

You reach up, grabbing a blanket off the couch and pulling it down go you. You instantly wrap yourself up in the blanket.

"I'M SO SORRY!" Your yell muffled from the blanket.

"It's okay... You didn't know." Sans says, shrinking away in embarrassment.

The door slams open to have a angry brother walk in. Once fully inside, he couldn't help but smirk at the scene. Sans had a blue blush almost everywhere while his breath shook, and (Y/n) layed on the floor under a blanket.

"What did I miss?" Papyrus asks, leaning against the door.

"Nothing dear brother!" Sans chirps like it was nothing.

(Y/n) just rolls herself in the blanket further.

Sans stands and walks over to his brother. The older skeleton bends down, ready to head what his brother was about to say.

"Yeah?" He asks, giving a smug smile.

"I-I think..." Sans gets quiet, covering his face with his scarf.

"Go on," his older brother encourages.

Sans takes a deep breath then gets a DETERMINED look.

"I think I want (Y/n) in more ways than one."

Fangirls: GOOD ENOUGH!

You guys, I'm so sorry! ;~;


But, I bet you all liked it.


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