~Chapter 38-Believe the lie~

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-Normal P.O.V-

You tap your feet against the floor, pacing around the room. Papyrus watched from the kitchen, his expression unreadable. You were to the point of tears, so stressed about your dreams and the possibility of your adorable boyfriend could be a cold hearted killer.

"Sans should be getting home soon..." You mumble to yourself, biting your nails in anticipation.

Papyrus looks away, feeling terrible for not saying anything. It wasn't his place to tell you.

Right on que, Sans opens the door with a cheerful smile, shaking off the snow.

"Hi, Sans..." You give a nervous smile.

His cheery attitude was giving you second thoughts. How could someone as sweet as him kill anybody?

"Hi, Princess!" He pulls you into a hug, the stars in his eyes getting bigger than before.

"You seem tense... Is something wrong?"

You wanted to shake your head and forget the subject, but you really needed an answer.

"I need to talk to you about something." You purse your lips, pulling away from your boyfriends hug.

He seemed upset that you pulled away but shook it off and nodded anyway. You practically push him up the stairs, ready to get this mess over and done with. Looking back papyrus, you see him give you a look of pity before shaking his head and going back to what he was doing.
That made you feel sick.

When you walk into Sans' room, he was already waiting patiently on his bed, legs crossed together and his head tilted.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asks, his eyes filled concern.

You shuffle over and sit down beside him, reaching over and grabbing his hand.

"I've been having dreams of you trying to kill me, or convincing me it's okay to kill for who you love..." You crane your head, looking to your side.

Sans was staring down at his lap, his smile just a straight line across his face.

"I've been trying to connect my dreams and the deaths around here together."

His only looks up at you, his eyes filled with regret.

"I know what I'm about ask you is insane, but are you killing monsters around here?"

He taps his fingers together, not saying a single word. You felt bad for asking, but you needed to know.

"Why would you ever think that?" He asks.

He chokes back a sob which makes him hiccup, letting you know you've assumed incorrectly.

"I-I'm sorry for asking..." You look to the side, trying to avoid saying anything else.

"It hurts you would think that." He mumbles.

"But it's okay. Someone has to be doing it, you're just trying to find out who did it," He seemed to perk up instantly, tackling you into a hug.

It was unbelievably crazy how fast he could switch emotions. You believed him, though.

That's all he needed to do. Get you to believe he didn't do it, and everything would be better.

But really-

Things is going to get worse.

Much worse.

Herro! ^~^

Sorry for the long overdue update!

I was going to post yesterday, but my dad wanted to hang out with me and I couldn't reject his offer since he may or may not have cancer.

So yeah...

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