Choice (A): The Unforgiving

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I'll be adding music to all of the ending chapters.

Adds affect, plus the lyrics fit really well with the chapters.

"You couldn't get away."

"No one could."

"Why even try to run?"

"No one expects the little guy..."



You would cut in and out of consciousness, little bits and pieces falling into your sight before everything went black again.

But almost everything you saw was red.

When you finally open your eyes, everything seemed dark. The snow flakes fell from the sky, gracefully landing on your soft, pale skin and melting into water. You stare up at the sky, your life flashing between your eyes. You see your mom, smiling back at you with her pink apron wrapped across her waist. You see your dad, ruffling your hair and pinching your cheeks, telling you he loves you. You see all of your friends, laughing and pulling you into a hug.

Then you see Jacob.

You see hands let go of your shirt and you fall into the deep, dark hole.

You expected to die from the fall, but now, you think you're going to die from the hands of a insane skeleton.

"You've been staring at the sky for a long time now."

You blink, realizing you've been laying in the snow for awhile now.

You purse your lips, sighing and watching your breath become visible.

"Are you going to get up and look at what I've done?"

You close your eyes, sitting up on your elbows and pushing yourself up. It hurt to do anything, but you couldn't lay there forever. But you couldn't prepare yourself for the hurt you were looking at. As soon as everything becomes clear, your legs buckle and you fall back down with a cry.

Sans stood there, eyes glazed over with hate, yet his eyes took the shape of neatly cut hearts. His gloved hands were holding onto a knife, its silver sharp tip completely covered in a dark red substance. His leg was propped up on the other, posing like he was proud. Behind him was a pile of dead bodies, monster corpses. It was everyone you knew. Everyone last monster in the entire underground. But one stood out from all of the others.

"A-Asgore?" You choke up. He was like your dad down here. Even if you didn't know him for long, you loved him a lot.

You cover your mouth, tears streaming down your face. Sans just smiles back at you, blood dripping off his chin.

"You-you're a monster!" You cry, hands clenched into fists.

"I did it for you... for us!"

"You killed him! How could you?!" You shriek, standing up and trying to balance yourself as you back away.

Sans chuckles, giving you a look of pity.

"Oh come on! They weren't important!" Sans exclaims, kicking a dead body like it was some kind of game.

"I can't forgive you for this! You've killed everyone except foe papyrus who is probably dead too!" You shout, blood bubbling with anger.

Sans stops smiling, the air around the two of you starting to get thicker.

"You won't forgive me? Ever?"


Sans shoulders bounce as he starts to laugh. You stare at him with a disapproving look, your whole body shaking in fear. He holds up his knife, walking towards you. Of course, you had used up any kind of bravery you had, so you just froze.

Every step he took made you flinch.

"Fine, I'll just have to make you forgive me!" He says calmly.

You shut your eyes and turn your head when he lifts up the knife above your body.

*but nothing came

You peek open one eye, both eyes widening at what was in front of you.

Sans hand dropped the knife, his expression a fearful one. Tears bubbled from his eyesockets, and blood oozed between his teeth and down onto his chin. A bone was sticking out of his chest, all of his ribs were completely broken. You stare at him with wide eyes, not knowing what to do. His eyes flash back to the cheerful ones the first day you saw him; shining bright, but with tears.

"I-I still love you-..." He wheezes before the pin-pricks in his eyes disappear and his body falls to be snow.

You stare down at his body, your tears dripping onto the back of his skull. When you look up, everything seemed to go in slow-motion. Papyrus stood there, his head turned away and his hands held out, orange magic glowing at the end of his fingertips. He was crying, body shaking like he was cold.


He puts down his hand, and covers his face with it instead. You run over to him as fast you can before yanking him into a hug. He hugs back without hesitation, bending down and crying into your shoulder as you cried into his.

"I should have forgave him! I-I should have f-forgave him!" You wanted to yell out in frustration, but you knew what happened had to happen.

You sniff, not saying any word as papyrus hugs you closer.

"I'm glad I don't have to loose you, too." He mumbles, his voice sounding scratchy.

You smile sadly, happy you still had him by your side.

"Me too."

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