~Chapter 12-Dragged away~

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-Normal P.O.V-

Earlier today, you were having the best time of your life. You got to explore on your own, realized you loved Sans, and talked to a bunch of derpy flowers that were really nice.

And now?

Now you're crying, watching Sans cry and try to get to you with everything he had. Papyrus had to hold his upset younger brother away from you.


Because you were being killed and there was nothing that could be done.

Your eyes were dull of life and will to live. Blood soaked through your clothes as it also stained the pure white snow beneath you.

"Papyrus let me save her!" Sans screams, trying to pull away from his older brothers grip.

"There's nothing we can do... it's part of the timeline."

You gasp as you felt the knife pull away from your stomach. Coughing up blood, you suddenly smile and collapse into the snow. Jacob towards over you with a blood coated knife, Alphys right behind him.

"You should have let me take her. She wouldn't be dying if it wasn't for you 'protecting' her."

You reach your crimson soaked and out and write something in the snow before going completely limp. Sans' eyes widen before he realizes you were dead. Papyrus looks away, his feelings getting the better of him.

But what no one expected was to here Sans shriek, pushing papyrus away and running over to you.

"You-..." He looks up at Jacob.

"You killed her!"

Jacob cackles, swinging around his knife with the skills he thought he had.

"I sure did!" He grins.

Sans picks up your cold body and hugs you close.

"I couldn't save you. I'm so sorry." He whispers, running his thump over your pale cheek.

"Oh man up. You'll find another-"
"Shut up!" Sans yells.

With flick of Sans wrist, a bone impales Jacob, hanging him upside down like a rag doll.

Alphys and Papyrus had never seen the sweet Sans ever do something like this.

"Sans... you just killed him!" Alphys yells.

"Well he killed (Y/n)! And if you come near me, I'll kill you too..."

Not wanting to hear anything else from the two, he looks over to the side and sees the words you drew. He tears up, smiling slightly at what you wrote in the snow.

I love you.

He chuckles, shaking his head.

"I love you too."



Sans jolts up, startled and crying. You place both of your hands on the side of his face, smiling and shaking your head.

"It was only a nightmare."


Sorry for the bad chapter. I pulled this out of Santa's butt and gave it to you guys.

I'm gonna sleep now.

Thanks for wAtching!

Thanks for wAtching!

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