~Chapter 16-The pain~

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-(Y/n)'s P.O.V-

I groan, shoving my face into papyrus' chest.

"Are you okay, kiddo?" papyrus asks, hugging me close.

I groan again, looking up and smiling painfully.

"Do I look okay?" I ask, holding the place where I got stabbed... and every other place I was beaten.

"Sorry for asking." He holds up one hand in defense.

Sans was super worried about me, which was very sweet. When I woke up in Sans' bed... it's like I was in a dream. But the stab in my stomach wasn't only thing that was wrong with me. The cuts and bruises a got from Temmie were there too.

I questioned myself so many times.

Was that a nightmare? Or was it real?

Either way, Sans refused to leave my side, but I didn't want him to feel like he had to. After tons of cheek kisses and pleads, I finally got him to go to 'work'. He wasn't happy about it at all, so he put his foot down and made papyrus stay and take care of me.

"Its fine. Just... shhhhhhh." I put a finger to his face, leaning into his chest further.

He mutters something under his breath which makes me shush him again.

"You're too loud." I giggle, turning into a psycho with extream laughter.

"Ow. I laughed to much." I place a hand on my stomach.

The door swings open to have a Sans walk through with a cute smile.

"I'm back!" He cheers.

Papyrus was resisting the urge to push me off of him.

"Find any humans?" papyrus asks.

He shrugs, skipping over to the couch.

"I didn't go to work. I was too worried about (Y/n)..." He mumbles, smiling at me.

I smile back, cringing in pain.

"Please... Take her." Papyrus claps his hands together, avoiding my harsh gaze.

"Fine by me!" Sans chirps, jutting his thumb towards somewhere else, telling papyrus to get up.

Papyrus taps my head a couple times before standing up and teleporting to his room. Sans sits in his place, taking off his scarf and draping it across my hurt figure.

He cuddles my close, his eyes glancing at the bruises covering my arms.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, nuzzling into my hair.

"The pain is really bad, but other than that I'm okay." I smile.

Sans let's his smile fall, his eyes glimmering with sadness.

"I couldn't keep my promise." He says, his voice cracking.

I lift his chin, placing my forehead against his.

"That's okay. I'll be fine." I whisper.

"But-... You're hurting!" He points to my bruises and cuts.

"I'm alive and with you. That's all that matters."

His stary eyes change into hearts, a blue blush creeping up his face. He waves a hand, closing his eyes and turning his head away.

"You're making me blush."

You giggle, turning back his face and kissing him softly. His whole face seemed to light up blue, but he still didn't hesatait to kiss back.

"GAH! MY EYES!" papyrus yells.

Sans quickly pulls away, grabbing a pillow behind me.

"Get out!" He yells, throwing the pillow.

The pillow hits papyrus between the eyes which makes me cover my mouth.

"You two are nasty." He flips his invisible hair, placing a hand on his hip and walking back into his room. His door closes with a playful slam.

Sans looks back at you with a amused face before laughing, pulling back for a kiss.

My sister: My ex boyfriend still misses me. BUT HIS AIM IS GETTING BETTER!

Me: *slowly points to door* Out.


Liked the fluff?

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I'm not done with feels yet, btw. I have A LOT more stuff to explain.


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