~Chapter 17-Flirty robots~

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-Normal P.O.V-

"Please? Please. Please!"




You throw your hands up, waving them around. Sans was being very stubborn today, and that wasn't completely normal. Sure, you've been stabbed and beaten a couple times, but that never stopped you. He was being like a parent.

"You guys..."

"Bro, just let her go. She'll be fine." papyrus causally adds.

"But I don't want her getting hurt... again." He says quietly, tearing up slightly.

You let out a faint 'awe' and pull him in for a hug. Papyrus points to his mouth, silently gagging.

"Look, I know my body isn't completely healed, but I'm good enough to walk around. Plus, that fish lady wants to meet me." You smile lovingly at him.

He sniffs, wiping away the tears that would've fell.

"Do you really want too?"

"I really do."

Sans sigh, looking over at papyrus with a dead serious look in his stary eyes.

"Can you teleport her to Undyne's lab?" He asks in a hopful tone.

Papyrus smirks, chuckling quietly.

"Sure, bro."

"Thanks papyrus!" Sans cheers, hugging his brothers legs.

Papyrus pats his head, while glancing over at you to see a grin stretching across your face. Sans let's go and latches onto you like he was never going to see you again.

"Be careful, Princess!" He warns in a cute manner.

"I will, bb. Be careful at work." You hug back, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I will!" He let's go, pushing you over to Papyrus.

"If anything happens to her-!"

"I got this, bro. She'll be fine."

Sans gives a unsure look but just smiles all the tension away, waving as you grabbed papyrus' hand. Not even a second after that, you were already hot and laying on the ground in Hotland.

"You have to stick the landing!" Papyrus bends down and jumps back up.

You laugh, getting up and dusting off the new clothes Sans bought you. (Such a sweetheart!)

"I'll keep that in mind. See you later." You giggle, waving as you walked inside the huge lab. It was nice and cool inside... not to mention dark. You take a few steps forward when the lights flip on and a lady was standing not to far from you. Her eyes widen at seeing you.

"N-no one told me you were coming today!" She panics.

"Sorry! I just... wanted to see you." You scoot back trying to polite.

She shakes her head, holding out her hands.

"T-that's n-not what I meant! I just haven't cleaned in awhile..." She blushes, scratching her cheek in embarrassment.

"Neither does papyrus." You joke, chuckling quietly.

She laughs, holding out her hand to you.

"I-I'm Undyne!"

"I'm (Y/n)!"

She goes to say something else but was cut off by someone else.

"Undyne I've been waiting for awhile now..."

She sighs, her eyes turning into little slates. You hold back a laugh as she trugged off, only to be walking back in with someone else.

"(Y/n), meet Napstabot." She introduces.

He smirks, looking you up and down. You shrink away in worry and in shyness. Sans had never done that to you, so it was kind of embarrassing.

"So, you're the new human I've heard about!" He exclaims.

You could instantly tell he was a robot because of the wavy sound when he spoke.

"Y-yeah." You whisper.

Undyne sighs, pointing back to the room he came from.

"You're still not completely fixed. Go to your room!" She groans.

He sighs, taking out a piece of paper and handing to you with a wink.

"Call me," he says before walking away.

Undyne snaps her gaze over to you, a look of pity written all over her face.

"Sorry about him. He's kind of a flirt."

"I-I can tell..." You mutter, smiling at her.

So after the awkward tension went away, you two became great friends. She asked about you and Sans relationship, fangirling through the whole story of how you two came to be a couple. She introduced you to a new anime and ate so much junk food until she could throw up. Every now and then, you would see Napstabot starring at you from across the room with a devilish look.

You were scared... nervous. Yo

I want Her (Underswap!Sans x Shy!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now