~Chapter 27-Hurt before~

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-Normal P.O.V-

You yawn, slamming your head against the bar while Muffet cleaned a cup. Her eyebrows knitt together.

"You okay?" She asks, her tone super chirpy.

You only groan, looking up and smiling weakly.

"I'm fine-"

"You look horrible." She says plainly, cutting you off.

"Thanks captain obvious." You mutter, glaring daggers at her.

"But in all seriousness, why do you look like that? Is something wrong?" She puts the cup away, all of her eyes blinking at once.

You sit up, barely able to keep your eyes open. She places all her elbows on the bar, peering over to you, interested and concerned at the same time.

"I had a dream last night... Sans was chasing me around, covered in blood- I don't know." You rub your temples, internally groaning to yourself.

"Whoa, what? The cute little cinnabun covered in blood?" She holds out a hand, telling you to stop.

"I'm just - really freaked out..." You worry, looking down at your lap.

"It wasn't real. Don't stress over it too much." She smiles, giggling quietly.

You smile back, nodding slightly. You jump off your seat, heading for the door. You could hear Muffet jump over the bar, skating over to you on her rollerblades.

"Where are you going?" She asks, putting a hand on your shoulder.

You half glance at her, a frown tugging at your lips.

"I need a very important question answered. I'll be back." You give her a confident nod, opening the door and walking out.

You hear her sigh before the door closes fully. You knew you had to be careful walking around for a while, but you didn't want to be trapped for weeks in a small room with Muffet and all her spider friends. You step off of the little porch and into the snow, heading for the shop down a little ways. You didn't make it a few steps before you hear voices calling out behind you.

"Hey, kiddo."

"Hi, Princess!"

You smile, turning around and waving at the two that were walking up.

"Hey guys. What are you doing out here?" You play it cool, not wanting to worry them just yet.

"I was going to Muffet's and Sans thought it would be fun to tag along." papyrus juts his thumb behind him to Sans.

"Where were you going?" Sans asks, peeking out from behind his older brother, his cheeks their normal light blue.

"I was going to check out the shop, also looking for you guys..." You blush, chuckling nervously.

"Why were you looking for us?" papyrus asks, tucking his boney hands inside his hoodie pockets.

'Its now or never...'

"I had a crazy dream last night, and it got me thinking about a lot of things..."

"Like-?" papyrus holds out a hand, telling you to continue.

You take a deep breath, looking at both of them in the eyes.

"Would you guys ever hurt me?"

The world around the three of you seemed to grow very quiet. You looked like you were about to cry, and the two brother just stared at you in shock. You narrow your eyes, digging your nails into the palm of your wrist.

"Why would you ever think that?" Sans speaks up, his face looking heartbroken.

"Because maybe everyone else above has hurt me more than once?" You answer truthfully.

Papyrus only ruffles your hair lovingly.

"Just because we look like monsters doesn't mean we act like them." He says, smiling down at you.

The two brothers stand on both sides of you, leaning over and kissing your cheek at the same time. You blush, hiding your face with your hands.

"We wouldn't hurt you for the world!" Sans exclaims, leaning against papyrus with a huge smile.

"Thank guys..." You whispers, turning around bashfuly.

"I see you guys later!" You wave to them, running for the little shop.

The two watch you run off. Papyrus slaps the back of Sans' head, his eye glowing a dim orange.

"Stop staring lower than you should be." He tsks at his younger brother.

Sans only rubs the back of his head, glaring up at papyrus.

"You're no fun..." Sans grumbles.

"I'm not a perv." papyrus shakes his head.

"You will be next mouth!" Sans laughs, running into Muffet's.

Papyrus only sighs, nodding sadly.

I want Her (Underswap!Sans x Shy!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now