{ci incontriamo di nuovo}

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I woke up the next day to Chika licking my face.

I smiled and pet her. "Good morning Chika Bika." She licked my face again.

I crawled out of bed and went downstairs. I let Chika outside in the backyard, then proceeded to make myself breakfast and coffee.

I opened the fridge to make some eggs, then I remembered I forgot eggs.

I rolled my eyes. "Guess I'll have to go back today."

I just cut some fruit up and ate that. "I'll record some, then I'll go out. I should probably get some new pants too."

I was just casually talking to myself.

After I finished breakfast, I washed the dishes I used, then went to record. I recorded some Five Nights At Freddys knock off game.

My room filled with screams.

"And as always, I will see you in the next video, buh-bye!" I finished.

I didnt bother to edit, but I decoded I would later.

I put some pants on, then my favorite pair of shoes.

I opened the door, and rain was just pouring. For once.

I unlocked my car and ran over to it, getting in before I can get completely soaked.

The traffic was terrible. I didn't even know why. Normal people should be at work. But LA is very popular, and a lot of these people were probably on vacation.

I hurried into the grocery store, and went straight to the eggs. I just grabbed some eggs then left.

I knew I had already gotten a cup of coffee, but I needed another. I didn't feel like going home an making another cup, so I just walked into this cute small bakery and ordered a coffee.

As I was waiting, I noticed a familiar girl reading a book. So I walked over there and saw the girl from yesterday.

"Oh hey! Its you." I exclaimed.

The female looked up from her book and looked at me. " Oh, what are you doing here?" She asked and set her book down.

"I went to go get some eggs, then I came here for a coffee."

She nodded.

"So, I realized I didn't get your name yesterday."


That was such a pretty name.

"So, wanna let me give you a tour?" I asked and smiled widely.

" You sure are persistent. Only if I take my own car. You can't take me anywhere secluded. There has to be people around. You may not get in my car, I'll just follow your car. If I don't feel comfortable, then I'll he'd back home. But I'll give you my phone number, and you'll give me mine. you'll be telling me where we're going. If I lost you, then I'll tell you. Got it?" She crossed her arms and stiff up to look intimidating. She didn't look that intimidating.

"Uhh, I think so?"

We took out our phones and exchanged numbers.

We both gathered our stuff and walked outside. I showed her my car, so she knew which one to follow. "This is a nice car." Her eyes widened.

"Yeah, its nice. So lets go." I smiled and got in my car.

(Y/n) rushed to her car and got in.

I started the car, and made my way to a nearby outlit mall. The outlit mall was a good place to show her what kind of stores we had.

I pulled into the parking lot, and parked my car. (Y/n) parked her car beside mine.

"So this is obviously an outlit mall. I took you here so you can see what kind of stores we have in LA. There are a bunch of vegan stores, if that's what your into. And there are a lot of health stores." I smiled awkwardly.

"I'm not to into Vegan stuff. But how about we look around and then we can go get some lunch?" She asked and we started to walk to the sidewalk.

"Yeah! What type of food do you like?"

"I'll eat at just about anywhere. Wherever is good, I shall follow." She laughed slightly.

"Okay! Let's go on our adventure!"

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