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It was the next day. I still hadn't heard anything from (Y/n). I couldn't get the night before out of my head.

I tried to call her, but it always went to voice mail. I tried to text her, but she left it on 'read'. I tried to text her best friend, but she wouldn't tell me. I had no clue where she was.

Quinn nor Vincent came home from school that day. I was worried, until (Y/n)'s best friend told me that (Y/n) took them with her.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that (Y/n) was over at her friends. Most likely.

Might as well give it a try.

I grabbed my keys, and started to make my way to Kinsey's. Kinsey was (Y/n)'s best friend.

I rushed over to her house, maybe even breaking the law. I was being kind of careless, but I needed her back.

I knocked on the door, and Kinsey glared at me. "Mark, go away. I know you know (Y/n) and her siblings are here, but you're not welcomed here. Turn around and go back home." She crossed her arms, and puffed out her chest to seem more intimidating. Yet she still wasn't very intimidating

"No, I refuse to go! I want to see (Y/n); just for a couple minutes!" I pleaded.

"No, you're not seeing her! Go away!" Kinsey slammed the door shut, and I heard a lock.

What have I done? I blew up in the one I loved the most. Now she's gone and she's never going to want to come back. She's never going to trust me again. She thinks I care more about my channel than I do her. Yes I love my channel and my subscribers, but not has much as I love her. The way I loved her was different than the way I loved my subscribers.

I sat in my car, in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant.

I didn't even get anything, I just didn't want to go home. Home smells to much like her. Home reminds me to much of her. But I had to go back sometime. So I unlocked my phone, and stared at my wallpaper. It was of us, before we were even together. We were both making goofy faces, and it was one of my favorite pictures of us. She was always so pretty, even when she was making an ugly face.

I stared at it, until it turned itself off. I cooler be dramatic and say something like, 'it left, like she did'. But I'm not that dramatic.

So I started my car, and went back home. My quiet, empty home.

I walked over to one of the end tables beside the couch, and lit a candle. It was a candle that was sugar doughnut scent.

I smiled the slightest bit as the room filled with the scent of doughnuts. Everyone loves doughnuts! (Funny story: I actually use to not like doughnuts when I was in 6th grade. Now I have a slight obsession with doughnuts. I don't eat them often, but they're the best and they're so delicious.)

I stayed in the living room that night. I didn't wanna lay in the bed. It'd feel lonely without (Y/n), and it had her scent all over it.

So I laid down in my couch. Maybe tomorrow would be better.

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