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(I'm sure we all know what the chapter titles means.)

We walked around the outlit mall for a little while, getting to know each other. I showed her some of my favorite shops, and she seemed to like them.

We both got a couple things, but we didn't spend all our money in the outlit mall.

She seemed to be very nice. Once you get to know her, she's not as feisty.

What I gathered is that she grew up in (H/t). She has a little sister who's the age of 13. She has a little brother who is 16. She is 24. She moved up here because she always liked LA. I didn't hear much about her parents though. She was the oldest of her siblings.

As we were checking out of this one place, the cashier asked "Are you two a couple? Cause you seem really cute." She smiled widely.

"No, we aren't a couple. Don't just assume things. Thank you." (Y/n) has that same tone as she did the day I met her. She insulted the girl but said it in a way where she was being polite. Like a British person. (Sorry to all you British!)

The cashier seemed confused as well. But we paid, grabbed our stuff, then left the store.

"So would you like to get something to eat?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure."

"Where would you like to go?" I asked as we made our way back to our cars.

"Anywhere is fine with me." She smiled.

"Well then just follow me!"

~Le time skip~

I drove to a cute little fish 'n chips place. There were different options there, so if she had a certain diet, than this place would have something for her to eat.

We both offered then sat down. "So (Y/n), tell me about your siblings." I took a sip of my water.

"Well like I says earlier, I have a little sister who's 13. She's quite immature, but she's a really sweet girl. She's a nerd so she's picked on at school a lot. She really likes your videos. She's a big fan. I might take her up to LA weekend, she's been asking to visit ever since I moved here. I also have a 16 year old brother. He kind of just stays in his room all day. He'd do anything to pick on my sister. He doesn't like her at all. But that's what it's like having an older brother I guess. I wouldn't know." She shrugged, and I watched her organize the stuff on the table while she was talking.

"And your parents?" I asked.

(Y/n) seemed to grow uncomfortable. "I don't remember them. I was put in a foster home. It was by pure luck that my siblings and I got to stay together." She stopped organizing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I-" She cut me off.

"It's okay, Mark. It's not that big of a deal." She smiled and giggled slightly.

"Order numbers 34 and 35."

(Y/n) and I looked down at our tickets. That was us.

We grabbed our food and sat back down with each other.

We changed to a more happier subject, sharing memories of our childhood. "That's how my brother and I found a porno when we were really younger and innocent." We both started to laugh.

Once we calmed down, it was (Y/n)'s turn to tell a story. "So I use to be an evil sister. Once when my little sister was ready young, she was hungry. So I made her a 'pizza'. I grabbed a piece of bread, ketchup and cheese. I put the ketchup in the bread, than the cheese, I put it in the microwave and feed it to her. The crazy thing is, she actually liked it." We both laughed again.

We finished up our lunch, then threw it away.

"Ya' know, Mark, I had a pretty good time today." She smiled at me. "You seem like a pretty cool guy."

"Well thanks, but I wanted to show you one more place. There's this really cool candy place right beside a Trader Joe's. Would you like to see it?"

"Yeah sure!" She picked up her bag, and we walked outside.

We got in our separate cars, and I made my way where I thought the candy store was located. I got lost.

I didn't know how to navigate to the candy store from the restaurant. I made another turn, until I realized we weren't in LA.

I pulled over in a park parking lot. She parked beside me. "Mark, where are we going?"

"I got lost, sorry. I'll navigate with my phone. One second." I took my phone out and looked up the candy store. I hit navigate, and then we left. We were 45 minutes away.

Once we were there, we walked in and laughed like idiots. There was a lot of weird candy, but also a lot of cool candy. We didn't get any though.

We smiled and played around in there. We didn't do much though.

That was our whole day together. We had a very exciting day, and she was a lot of fun we be around.

We bid each other goodbye, and left.

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