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Q: Your zodiac sign (plus your favorite)

A: I like Cancer and I'm an Aquarius. Also you don't have to do this, but my moon sign is Taurus, and my ascendant sign is Scorpio.

I watched (Y/n) shuffle around the house as we were just heading out for our next month's ultrasound. She was officially 4 months pregnant. She was surprisingly getting big, and fast. Morning sickness was still going on, but nit as bad as it was before. She's feeling better.

She grabbed her phone and kept hold of it. She was wearing a dress because she hadn't gone clothes shopping, and that was the only thing that fit her.

"Mark, can we go to the maternity department." She grabbed out, and rubbed her stomach.

"Of course we can sweetie, but lets go ahead and go. Maybe we can even find ourselves a new puppy up there." We had been looking for a puppy, but hadn't gotten one yet. She loved animals, and wanted to pick up a puppy Everytime, I just didn't necessarily fall in love with any. I did love the dogs, but I could all leave them.

She swung her backpack over her shoulders, and then grabbed my hand. Her softer hand intertwined with my tougher, bigger hand.

Once we got to the car, we let go of each other's hands, and got in. I was in the driver's seat, she was in the passengers seat. She placed a hand on her belly, which was growing very fast.

"I didn't think mt belly would grow this fast." She giggled, and rubbed her thumb on her stomach.

I reached over and put a hand on her belly. "Well you have a cute baby bump. Babies bump?" I questioned, giving her a questioning stare.

"Still just called a baby bump, silly." She lightly hit my arm as a joke.

I chuckled, then started to car.

After about 25 minutes in the car, we got to the hospital we always went to.

(Y/n) signed in, and sat beside me. She pressed her hand on her stomach, and rubbed it. "My stomach hurts."

I arched my brows at looked at her worriedly. "Let's hope the babies are okay." I put my hand on her stomach.

"Well they've been good so far." She sighed outy


"(Y/n) Fischbach?" The nurse called out.

(Y/n) and I got up, and followed the nurse to the hospital room.

"The doctor will be here in a couple minutes. Just go ahead and get situated." She told us with a bug plastered, but fake, smile.

(Y/n) and I looked at each other, as she crawled onto the hospital bed. Once she laid down in her back, she placed a hand on her stomach. "I really hope they're okay." She whispered.

"Don't worry honey, I'm sure they're fine." I held onto her free hand.

About 10 minutes later, our doctor walked in. "Hello you two; how's everything going?" She smiled at us, but then set the clipboard down on the counter.

"Everything is fine, but I been having a really bad pain in my stomach. Are the babies okay?" (Y/n) arched her brows.

"Well we'll find out." She turned on the machine

(Y/n) looked at me worriedly.

I just wished I could do something.

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