{Io Amici}

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Later that day, (Y/n) and I got ready. It took her a lot longer to get ready. She did her makeup, picked out and outfit then did her hair. Gorgeous like always.

"We're going to go see my friends Bob and Wade." I smiled softly. I was really excited to see them. It felt like forever since I've seen them.

"Thanks for giving me a choice." She was sarcastic with me. Glared slightly at me and put her other shoe on.

"If you went back to (H/t) you'd want to see your family." I rolled my eyes. "Come on, lets go."

(Y/n) and I walked out the door and over to my moms car. (Y/n) buckled herself up, and we drove over to my favorite restaurant here. We decided to meet up there, cause I only eat at the restaurant when I visit.

"What type of food is it?" She asked and situated herself in the chair.

"It's a steakhouse."

She nodded. "Well okay then." She sighed and stayed silent almost th whole ride. Something seemed to upset her. But I know women and if I ask it'll be 'It's nothing, I'm okay.' Or something like that. So I wasn't going to bother her. If she wanted me to know, then she'd tell me.

She huffed and stared out the window till we got there. We walked in together and saw Bob and Wade already there. "Hey guys!" I called out and walked over to them.

" Hey Mark!" They both said in unison.

Bob's eyes drifted to (Y/n). "Who's your little friend?" He asked.

"This is my friend, (Y/n). I've told you guys about her."

"It's nice to meet you." Wade smiled at (Y/n). She just awkwardly smiled back. Didn't seem sincere.

I noticed (Y/n) seemed uncomfortable. She had her arms crossed around her stomach. She seemed to be holding onto her waist. Like she was giving herself a hug.

We both sat down beside each other. Soon a waiter came over. "Hello, my name's Xavier. I'll be your waiter today. Can I start you guys off with something to drink?" He pulled out his notepad.

We all l ended up ordering water. Water was. universal thing that everyone liked.

Soon after we chatted and got out waters, we ordered. (Y/n) simply said she wasn't hungry and that she ate something before we left. We all believed her.

We all had a great time seeing each other again. It seemed like we rarely saw each other anymore. It didn't just seem like it. That's how it was. We rarely saw each other.

(Y/n) stayed silent. It seemed that she was either feisty or quiet when she was around people. But one-on-one talk was when she was herself and that's when she would talk. She was a very confusing girl.

So Bob, wade, (Y/n) and I spent the day together. We went to all my favorite places. We ended at a frozen yogurt place. Everyone loves frozen yogurt!

(Y/n) didn't eat yet again. It was worrying me. Why wasn't she eating?! It scared me to death. I didn't want her to stop eating. I wanted whr healthy.

Soon after realizing she wasn't eating, I said goodbye to my two best friends and rushed to the car. I went to a nearby park with (Y/n).

As soon as I parked, I stared at her seriously. "(Y/n) (l/n), you tell me what's going on." I demanded.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" She seemed to get uncomfortable. I didn't care. I was worried and I was going to get to the bottom of what was going on.

"Why aren't you eating?" I frowned.

"I-i dont know what you mean." She shrunk down.

"You dont think I noticed? I've barely seen you eat. You haven't eaten for a long time."

"That's not true!" She huffed, then her stomach growled. She placed her hands over her stomach and pressed down to calm it down.

"(Y/n), please. Tell me what's going on. I care a lot about you. I dint want to see you like this. Please, tell me what's going on." My frown deepened and I was so sincere. I wanted her to be okay.

She sighed out. "Fine."

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