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Q: If you had to choose a fashion style, what do you want/have?

A: I really like 90's grunge and boho.

We held each other tightly, and I held my eyes tightly. I was so thankful.

She looked up at me, then I opened my eyes and looked down at her. I noticed we were both crying tears of joy.

I brought her face close to mine, and kissed her passionately. We were the happiest we've been in awhile. It felt amazing to know we were finally having a baby together. After losing one, it was very hard on us. We were finally happy.

Once we pulled away, we threw the test away, then walked downstairs together.

"What was that all about? Why do you two look so happy?" Vincent asked, lifting one eyebrow.

"We have news for everyone." (Y/n) smiled widely, and we stood in front of everyone.

"What is it?" My mom asked, walking into the bedroom.

"We're.." She trailed off, growing the anticipation.

"Having a baby!" I finished.

My mom gasped and smiled widely. She walked up to us and hugged us. "Finally, I'm getting some grandkids." My mom and I laughed.

Quinn walked up, and joined the hug. "Congratulations you guys! I can't wait to be an aunt."

"Thank you," (Y/n) thanked her younger sister.

Vincent and Thomas walked up, and joined the rest. We all had a small family moment together.

Once our what seemed like forever embrace was over, we all sat back down on the sofa. (Y/n)'s hand now on her stomach.

We glanced over at each other, and still smiled. I looked down at her stomach, knowing our kid was there. That we were finally having a kid together. This seemed to be the happiest day.

We held into each other tightly. I ended up placing my hand on top of her stomach. We were so happy with this moment. It seemed like nothing could ruin our excitement.

I looked downbat her, still holding onto her tightly. "Want to take a walk?"

She looked up at me, then nodded. "Yeah, its not often I get to feel winter air." She laughed softly.

So we both got uo, and put jackets on. "We're going for a walk!" We informed my mom.

"Okay, be careful." She smiled and waved at us.

We put shoes on, then walked outside.

We held hands and strolled along the paved road. We glanced over at a house with a couple kids playing in the front yard. We looked at each other and smiled. Hoping that this wouldd last. That this would happen. That our baby won't pass this time.

"So Mark, what gender do you want our baby to be?" She looked up at me.

"I'm okay with either. But between us, I woild rather have a baby boy. I'd be okay with either though."

She nodded. "I want a baby boy too. I'd be okay with a girl though." She smiled at me. "If it's a boy, we should name it Tim."

I looked down at her and smiled widely. "I would absolutely love that."

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