{Lotta terribile}

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It's been six more months. Quinn and Vincent had moved in, and they were already settled into their school. (Y/n) and I were the closest we had ever been. And getting Vincent and Quinn here was easier than I thought.

I had forgotten a lot of the days that happened in these six months, who doesn't forget some days? It seemed different then just forgetting. For now, I'll call it 'forgetting'.

It was a Friday night. I was still in my room recording. I hadn't seen (Y/n) or her siblings all day. But I had to record. In the past couple months, I had been recording a lot. It was about 10:30 when I called it quits for the day. I rubbed my eyes, as they had gotten dry from playing so many video games.

I walked downstairs and saw that Quinn and Vincent weren't around. Probably in their room. (Y/n) however was laying on the couch while Parks and Recreation was on. I couldn't tell if she was awake or not. So I walked over and looked at her. She was breathing softly, and her eyes her shut. Her mouth slightly open. I smiled and her sleeping face. She was so cute.

I was going to pick her up, but she grumbled and pushed me away. I was slightly confused. Sleeping people aren't suppose to resist.

"(Y/n)?" I shook her slightly.

I heard her huff and glare at me. "What?" She seemed mad.

"Why are you mad?"

"It's nothing important." She growled at me. "Just go back upstairs and sleep in your room. I'm sleeping on this couch."

"Isn't of typically the girlfriend who kicks the boyfriend out of the room and onto the couch? And it's our room, not just mine." After a couple seconds of complete silence, I continued. "Seriously, why so mad?" I arched an eyebrow at her.

"Mark, it feels like I haven't seen you in days. The only time I see you is bedtime anymore. You're always in our room recording and editing. I feel like you care more about that damn channel than you do me, your own girlfriend." She sat up instead of laying down. She crossed her arms, and she really seemed upset about this. Her nose twitched the very slightest, as it was a habit of hers when she got mad.

"Well my channel is very important. I love to record! I wish you could find something you loved so you wouldn't be on me about this." I mumbled the last couple words.

"Excuse me? I have found something I liked. No, loved. Mark, that's you! I love you, but you love recording, and you love your channel! Why can't you set some time aside to spend time with me?! I miss you! Even if we barely spend any time together, I still love you. But I can't deal with this being all one-sided! I want you to love me to. You care more about that channel than you do me. I'm just second best. I'm the backup!" She stood up now, and tried to seek intimidating.

"With how you're acting right now, you are second best! You're being a real bitch right now, and I don't wanna deal with it! I've had a long working day and I don't deserve this!" I honestly didn't know what I was saying. This was all heat of the moment. I loved (Y/n) more than my channel, I knew that. I guess I wanted to make her feel bad for making me feel bad.

I noticed her expression change from anger to sadness.

"I guess I wasted all that time trying to get you! I didn't know you'd end up acting like this! You're so clingy right now! Lay off." The hurtful words kept falling out of my mouth. I didn't mean any of this. Why was I saying it?

"F-fine! You did waste all your time cause I'm not yours anymore! I'm leaving right now!" I watched as her eyes got glossy, and then I slowly started to soften up. "We're over, Mark!" She stomped away with tears streaming down her cheeks. She grabbed her purse, and slammed the door shut.

How I regretted everything I said. "Wait, (Y/n)!" I called out and ran outside, but it was to late. The car was started, and she was in a big rush to get out. I even tried to get to the car before she pulled out of the driveway, but I couldn't. So I was in the middle of the driveway, now crying. I regretted everything. I wish I didn't explode on her. I wish I kept my cool and told her I cared more about her. I do care more about her. I always will. I loved my channel a lot, but I loved her more.

I heard the door open and close. "Mark, what happened?" I heard Vincent's voice.

"Where's (Y/n)?" That was Quinn's voice.

"Gone," I whispered, almost inaudible, but they could hear me.

"Where's she going?" Quinn asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged, my voice still quiet.

"We heard you two arguing." Vincent informed me. "Would you like to be alone?"

"Yes, I would."

So they left back inside. I stayed outside. I couldn't do anything. I felt so hopeless. It was so hard to explain. I felt like I'd do anything to take what I said back.

I'm such a screw up.


Hey! So this chapter was a doozy!
But I decided I was gonna let you guys in on a lil' secret. I know not to many people read the (A/n) stuff, but some do. And the ones that do read it, you guys get to know this secret!
So I've secretly been working on some Markiplier Imagines! I want to make a markiplier imagine story, and I'm really excited.
Once this story is finished, I will be publishing the imagine book!! Maybe a couple weeks after this is finished, not immediately. But I will tell you guys once its out!

Okay, thank you for reading my (a/n)! Bye guys!!

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