{Perché Lui?}

780 39 17

Q: Who inspires you the most?

A: Me, myself and I

Drew walked into the hospital room. I knew (Y/n) and I instantly were glaring at him.

"Seriously, what are you doing here?" I asked and held (Y/n)'s hand trying to protect her if he was planning anything.

"I just saw your post on Facebook, and I knew you'd be here. I asked the receptionist what room you were in, and here we are." He looked down. "Listen, I really didn't want any trouble. I just wanted to be here in your time of need." Drew smiled reassuringly at (Y/n).

"That's nice of you Drew, but can you please go. I don't think you'd be any help to the situation." (Y/n) stood up.

"The situation happened awhile ago, I'm different now. Please just let me help." Drew's smile dropped.

(Y/n) glanced at me, and nodded towards the door. I got the hint, and left with Quinn and Vincent.

We waited in the lobby, until (Y/n) and Drew walked back out. She thanked him, then we left the hospital.

"So what did you and Drew talk about?" I asked as we walked to the car.

"He sjust said he was sorry, and apparently he's got a new girlfriend too. I just hope he treats her right." She said quietly. She wasn't gonna speak to loud now. She talked very softly when she was upset, and she was very upset over Avalon.

Once we started out way back home, I held onto her hand. "Listen, we can try for another baby soon if you'd like." I glanced over at her and smiled softly, then back at the road.

"I would like that, but not to soon. I don't want it to seem like we're replacing her." She looked down towards her stomach. She knew our baby girl was gone.

"I know. Let's just worry about it later. You need some rest. You've had a long day." I brought her hand up to my mouth, and kissed the back of it.

Once we got to our house, (Y/n) instantly went back to our room. I knew she would probably want to be alone, so I told her siblings to let her back some alone time. That's when Vincent pulled me into the main room.

"Mark you're an amazing husband to my sister, and thank you so much for being with her. You've dealt with me for awhile now, and I do want to tell you something. Since you and (Y/n) are going to be starting a family soon, I think me and Quinn need to leave. I'm going to take Quinn with me, and I'll find and apartment for the two of us." Vincent avoided eye contact. "I even talked it over with her, and she's willing to live with me."

I frowned slightly. "That's very nice of you, but you don't have to leave. We've really enjoyed you and Quinn being here. The house is a lot more lively."

"But I'm an adult, and I been thinking about leaving. I made up my mind when you and (Y/n) got pregnant, but I hadn't told anyone. So since you guys are going to start a family soon, I'll leave and take my little sister with me. It's the least I can do. You guys have done so much for me." He smiled.

I smiled back and we 'bro hugged'. "I'll tell (Y/n) later. We're going through a lot, and we have a funeral to plan." My smile dropped my I sighed.

"I understand." Vincent said, patted my shoulder, then left the room.

So I grabbed my laptop that I had in the living room, and began to look stuff up for a damn funeral I didn't want to plan. I remembered doing some of this for my dad's funeral. I didn't think I'd have to do this for my own kid though.

That's screwed up.

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