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It was later that night, and (Y/n) just got home from work. It was about 5:00ish.

She ran up to my room, and bursted into my room. Making me jump and try to hide my pantless self, thinking it was an intruder.

Once I realized it was just (Y/n), I sighed and came out. "Whew, I thought you were-" She interrupted me.

"Mark! We're getting a kitten!" She blatantly told me. "My friend is giving away free kittens and I want one!"

I looked at her strangely. "Why do you want a kitten?"

"Because I like cats." She said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"I didn't know you liked cats!"

"Mark, enough talking! Come on, we're getting a kitten. You won't have to pay for anything, it'll be my responsibility. Come on!" She grabbed my hand and tried to force me out of the room.

"Okay, okay. At least let me get some pants on!" I got my hand free from her grip.

She seemed impatient as she watched me put some pants on.

As soon as I was done, I was forced out of the house. She ran to her car, and left the place as quickly as possible.

She seemed so excited the whole way there. I didn't know that she liked kittens so much. But then again, who doesn't like kittens?

She pulled into a driveway that I haven't seen before, and went up to the door. "(Y/n), are you sure we're at the right place? I've never been here before."

"Well, you haven't met this friend." She ring the doorbell, and not soon after, her friend opened the door.

Her friend invited us in. "Hello, my name is Kinsey. You must be Mark! (Y/n) has a told me so much about you."

Did she really talk about me? That's kinda flattering. "Its nice to meet you." I smiled.

"And you too." She walked over into the main room. There was a small pen in there, but it was empty. "The kittens are in my room. Just wait right here."

(Y/n) looked at me and smiled. "Thank you for letting me get a Kitten." She hugged me tightly.

"I kinda had no choice." I chuckled.

As soon as we let go, Kinsey brought out three kittens. One kitten was light grey with some white spots on its paws. One kitten was orange and white. The last kitten was tinier than the other two, and it was black and white. A tuxedo cat! "These are the three that I have left. The grey and black ones are girls, and the orange one of a boy." She set the kittens down in the pen.

(Y/n) looked at them with wide eyes. But after being there for awhile, the choice got harder. "Its like picking out children." She complained. After a few more seconds of staring at them, she stood up. "Okay, I've chosen." She looked dramatically back at the kittens. "I want the black one. The runt."

"Well, I think since she's the runt, we need to keep her another week. Let her develop some more. Next week you can come and get her." Kinsey smiled.

"Okay, thank you Kinsey!" (Y/n) smiled happily. She hugged kinsey goodbye, then we left.

We both got back in (Y/n)'s car. Well, that took longer than expected. I'm not gonna tell you all that happened.

I looked over to her while she was driving. While we were at a stop light, I took one of her hands and held it the rest of the way. I thought we were going home, but nope! She pulled into the store.

"Why are we here?"

"Gotta' pick up kitten supplies." She smiled at me. She let go of my hand, then we got into the store.

Once we were both out of the car, (Y/n) took my hand again. She smiled at me. I smiled back.

Her smile always made me smile. She always make me smile. I loved every inch of her being. She made me the happiest man alive. But I didn't know how to tell her that. Especially sk early in the relationship. We lived together, but we weren't sleeping in the same bed. She wanted to take the relationship slow. I understood. I guess that I've loved her for so long, that I just want to hold her and tell her how much I love her.

Once we were in the store, (Y/n) grabbed one do this baskets. Guess she assumed she was going to get to much for us to carry, but not enough for a cart.

As soon as we got to the kitten supplies, (Y/n) started to put the essentials in the basket. Food, food dish/water dish, treats, litter, litter box, and some toys. She then looked at me, smiling widely. She got on her tip toes, and I bent down. I assumed she was going to whisper something to me. But no, she kissed my cheek. I decided I'd kiss hers back. We. both laughed quietly, then went over to the register.

(Y/n) set her stuff down on the thing, and the cashier scanned all the stuff. But the cashier kept eyeing me. Like she knew me, but didn't want to say anything. But I didn't say anything either.

Once we were done, I took (Y/n)'s band again and walked off. We each were carrying at least one bag.

One we were both in the car, (Y/n) didn't start it. She just looked at me.

"You okay, (Y/n)?" I asked and put my hand on her forehead to check if it was hot. Nope.

She nodded and then leaned in. She kissed me!

I closed and eyes and kissed her back, taking in the moment. I wanted to pull her close to me, but we were in the car, so basically it was impossible.

Soon we broke off the kiss, but I wanted more. I went in for another. And this continued. Breaking up the kiss, then one of us going for another. It continued for awhile, until (Y/n) decided it was time to leave. That we had spent enough time in the store, and I'm the parking lot.

But on our way home, my lips just couldn't help but feel lonely. I felt kinda dazed. She was the best kisser. And the kisses were full of passion. She kissed me like I've never been kissed before.

I was missing something this special my whole life.

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