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Q: I have no clue if I asked this, but I'm gonna ask again if so. Do you have siblings?

A: An older brother and an older sister.

8 months. She was officially 8 months pregnant, and HUGE.

She was hormonal like crazy, and I was just trying my hardest to help her, but it was so hard.

She had slept downstairs because she didn't want to keep walking up and down the stairs. I felt so bad for her, so I stayed downstairs with her, but slept on the couch. There was only a twin sized bed downstairs. One bedroom downstairs, two upstairs. We set up a temporary nursery upstairs.

We had sold the house very fast, but decided to wait to get a house till the babies are born.

She waddled into the main room, where I was sitting on the couch with my laptop, and Chica at my feet. "Hey Mark, want to go to Starbucks? I cant get a coffee, but I can still get a tea." She yawned out. She immediately sat on the couch, I knew her feet were hurting her.

"Yeah sure, we just gotta get ready." I looked at the clock and it wad 8:00. We both had just woken up.

I walked up the stairs, and stayed at the start of the stairs for her. I was just gonna wait.

"I'm sorry sweetie." I frowned.

"No its fine. Twins just make me huge." She giggled, and took the last step upstairs. "Going down should be the easy part."

So we got in our shared closet, and got some clothes out. She put one of her maternity t-shirts on, and some joggers. While I put some shorts on and a muscle top.

She sighed out, and put her hair up in a pony tail. "I'm not tying to look cute." She grabbed her glasses that she rarely wore, and she put them on. She did look good in her glasses.

We both walked to our bathroom, and brushed our teeth. "When we get back I'm going to record some videos, then I'll help pack some stuff up." My words were muffled due to the toothbrush in my mouth, but she could understand.


No one's gonna have a full fledged conversation while brushing teeth.

Nothing exciting happened, so we left. She held my hand, while I held onto the steering wheel with the other.

"Doctor says the babies are more likely to be early rather than late. So I'm expecting these two at any moment." She looked at me.

"Well Avalon was early. I'm scared if those two being early." I frowned deeply.

"I know honey." Her frown deepened.

We sat in silence until we got to Starbucks. It was packed like always.

"Why don't you go get a seat and I'll order your tea. I know what you want." I kissed her cheek.

She waddled off into the distance, and everytime someone looked at her, their eyes went straight ti ehr stomach and their eyes widened. This couple got up so that she could have a seat. Not all people were bad.

So I eventually got up and ordered a plain iced coffee for myself, and a shaken iced tea for (Y/n).

I glanced over to (Y/n), and then back at the barista. She smirked at me, handed me the receipt, and winked. I grabbed the receipt and walked away, to my wife.

"What was the barista looking at you like that for?" She narrowed her eyes.

"I dunno," I shrugged, and looked at the receipt. It had a phone number scribbled on it. "It's a phone number."

She instantly took the paper, and crumbled it up. "She better not flirt with you." I sae she was getting angry.

Oh no, an angry pregnant lady.

I watched as she stomped over to the counter, totally cutting the line. "Excuse me lady, but you better not flirt with my husband." She glared daggers at the lady.

I walked over with them, making sure my girl would be okay. "Excuse me lady, but he's not necessarily yours." The barista smirked an evil smirk, then looked at me.

"Listen lady, you're messing with an 8 month pregnant lady, so you better slow down." I watched my wife slam dunk her hands down on the counter.

"(Y/n) calm down. She's just being a bitch." I whispered in her ear.

She turned around, and her face was red with anger. This is why yiu don't piss off a pregnant lady. "Calm down?! Tell this bitch" She spat, "to back off!"

"Okay lady, I'm gonna kick you in the damn stomach if you don't shut the hell up." The barista crossed her arms, then I felt somethjng snap in me and I got mad.

"Okay you can fuck off! You do not threaten to kick my wife's stomach when she's 8 months pregnant! That's extremely low." I took my wife's hand. "Come on (Y/n). Let's go."

We took our already made drinks that had been waiting for us, and held hands as we walked out. I flipprd the barista off while we left.

She had no right to talk to my wife like that, and I didn't know what to do.

We quickly left, and I drove to a park. "I thought it'd be nice if we went outside for a little. We can find a bench to sit at." I looked over at her, and smiled reassuringly at her. She was still very shaken up from all that. She was shaking!

"Okay, anything to get my mind off that." We got out of the car, and held hands as we tried to find a bench. "It'll be a funny story to tell the twins though." She giggled.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I smiled.

We sat down at a bench, and stayed there for awhile. We calmed ourselves down.

Everything was fine...

You guys, so I am gonna try to upload as much as possible now because I want you guys to see the ending! So I might just upload daily, maybe even twice a day. Cause after this there's only like 5 more chapters I think. So that's it! Arrivederci!!

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