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Q: Your favorite restaurant? (I'm only asking this cause I'm starving)

A: Damn, probably this one sushi restaurant up here where I live. It's really good.

I got home as fast as possible, but with the LA traffic, it made things hard. It took me 15 minutes to get home. But once I got home, I immediately left to the hospital. My wife was losing our baby.

She was going into premature Labour at 3 months. There was no way our baby would survive this. This was killing the both of us. I knew it. She was crying the whole way there. Either from pain, or sorrow. I honestly couldn't tell.

I was trying to not cry, as I was the driver and I needed to get to the hospital. Quinn was at school, and Vincent was at work. They had no clue what was going on.

Once I got to the hospital, they let me go into the delivery room with (Y/n). Obviously. While we were waiting for the baby, I called Vincent to get him to the hospital, and the principal to get Quinn to the hospital. They needed to be here for their sister and brother-in-law.

I held onto (Y/n)'s hand, as she wouldn't stop crying. It killed me to see her in this much pain, and I started to cry.

"Mark, I'm so sorry." She struggled to say.

"It isn't your fault, dear. There's nothing we can do." I moved my other hand to her head, and brushed she hair back. "We just have to wait for the doctor, and get this over as soon as possible." I sighed out heavily.

"I just wish it'd stay in for 6 more months. Then it'd have a chance to live." She looked down towards her feet. "Its my fault. My body isn't ready for a baby, and we got pregnant."

"In no way is this your fault." I narrowed my eyes at her as I tried to calm myself down from crying. She needed someone to be strong and I just couldn't be.

She was about to answer, then the doctor walked in. "Are you ready Mr and Mrs. Fischbach?" The doctor asked, and two nurses walked in.

"I'm afraid not, but how ready can we really be?" I asked- not expecting an answer, and squeezed (Y/n)'s hand.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. There's nothing we can do." The doctor seemed apologetic.

He got my wife ready, and she gave birth to our undeveloped baby. This is hell. Why did this have to happen to us? Did we really deserve this? I didn't think we did anything.

The birthing process wasn't long, just hard for (Y/n) and I. We named our baby girl Avalon Delilah Fischbach.

The doctors gave us a memorial box, and a card with her full name and feet prints on it. We would have to have a funeral for her soon. I knew (Y/n) would be grieving over this.

When the baby was out and taken away, Quinn and Vincent got to come in. They weren't as sad as we were, but they were pretty upset. They were looking forward to being an aunt and uncle.

As (Y/n) was recovering, I put a message on Facebook explaining to my followers what happened. Instantly I got a bunch of loving comments. Most of my fans had seen the video that I just uploaded, and they were all very nice. We did tell them that (Y/n) was showing signs of a miscarriage, but we were being hopeful. We were no longer hopeful.

Just as we were about to leave, someone showed up. I got mad instantly.

"Hey (Y/n) and Mark." He smiekd awkwardly.


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