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Q: Your favorite kind of humor?

A: Puns or sarcasm.

We woke up the next day and it was Christmas! The only day of the year we were morning people.

we held hands as we both skipped down the stairs, and th scent of cookies filled the air. We both smiled widely.

"Good morning Mark and (Y/n)." My mom smiled at us. "How did you guys sleep?"

"We slept fine." (Y/n) said, smiling to my mom.

"Well I started to bake cookies. It was going to be a surprise, but you guys woke up earlier than expected."

"Sorry mom." I snickered.

"Yeah sorry mom." (Y/n) copied.

"Well I have some leftover cookie dough. You guys want it?" She asked, bringing a mixing bowl in.

"Yes please." (Y/n) reached her arms out, and my mom handed her the dough.

We turned on the TV, cuddled up together, and ate cookie dough. Pretty amazing Christmas so far.

My mom pulled out the cookies, and as if on que, Vincent came down. Now we were waiting for Thomas and Quinn.

Vincent yawned and sat on the other side of the sofa.

"Good morning Vincent." My mom greeted, smiling.

"Good morning." He yawned out again.

"You tired?" I joked.

"Yeah, but I'm excited." He smirked.

We heard another door open, and Quinn run down the stairs. "Merry Christmas everyone!" She was wearing a Santa hat.

"Merry Christmas!" We all said simultaneously.

Quinn sat beside Vincent.

Soon after, Thomas walked down. My mom passed out cookies, and we all opened presents. We then went through stockings. We all got stuff we wanted.

It was a pretty great Christmas. Besides that we didn't get pregnant. That was the only upsetting thing that seemed to happen. We held hands and cuddled as we binge watched Christmas movies.

She seemed like she was about to fall asleep, so I shook her slightly. "Do you want to let you fall asleep?"

She shook her head. "No, keep me awake."

I nodded, and I kissed her head. "I have to go use the bathroom." I store up, feeling my bladder get full.

I walked to the bathroom, shut the door, and locked it. I pulled the toilet seat up, unzipped my pants, and aimed. I glanced over at the trashcan, and frowned as I looked at the test. Something in my stomach told me to look at it again. Just to confirm what we saw.

I finished taking a piss, and zipped up my pants. I flushed, and reached into the trashcan. I looked at the test. I felt my heart race, and a smile creep up on my face.

I unlocked and swung the door open. "(Y/N)! Get in here!" I yelled, smiling widely at the test I held tightly in my hand.

I heard (Y/n) get off the sofa, and she walked to the bathroom I was in. "What is-" I cut her off.

"(Y/n) look at the test!" I shoved the small, white, plastic stock in her hand.

She glanced down at the test. I watched her eyes widen quickly, and she smiled widely. "I-i can't.." She trailed off. She smiled up at me. "Mark, we're pregnant!"

I nodded rapidly, and we embraced each other tightly. "I'm so happy." I whispered in her ear as I held her tightly. The baby was too small the hurt right now.

We smiled at each other for awhile. Definitely the highlight of our Christmas.

We later went down to the main room, smiling like idiots. Later on (Y/n) left the sofa to help my mom with dinner.

We had a pretty amazing Christmas.

I was so happy to finally have our baby with (Y/n).

I was just so happy!

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