{Non Giusto}

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Q: How have you guys liked the story so far? (There's only 2 more chapter after this)

A: I've had fun writing it!

I heard the beeping of s machine, and I heard someone crying. Is it (Y/n)?

I groaned, and then heard the person gasp. They grabbed my hand, and it was definitely a female hand.

I tried hard to open my eyes, I barely could, but I did a little. I tried to look at the female, but there was too bright of a light.

"Doctor!" The female called out. It wasn't (Y/n), but it was familiar. It was my mom!

I could hear her stand up, and walk to the door. I heard the door open and her yell out for the doctor. Shouldn't she go get (Y/n)?

I finally got to open my eyes a little more. I could barely move my head, and looked over to my mom.

Two nurses walked in, and a doctor I've never seen.

I was asked a bunch of questions, and told to raise my arm. Surprisingly, I could lift it just fine. Like it eas never even hurt in the crash.

The doctor nodded. "We'll be back here shortly." The nurses and doctor walked out of the room.

"I'm going to go call your brother." She stood up, and kissed my head.

I nodded softly, and my senses were getting better. She walked out of the room.

I looked around the room, it was just like any other hospital room. Something was off though. Where was (Y/n)? Did the crash effect her worse? Are the babies okay? Are the babies even alive?! We can't lose two more babies!

"Mom," I whispered out. My throat was dry. "Mom," I tried again, but it was hard.

After about 2 minutes, she walked back into the room. "Hi Mark," She smiled at me, and then sat down in the chair beside me. "Your brother is on his way."

"Water," I managed to whisper out.

She gasped out and stood up. "Oh yes if course."

She pulled out a water bottle from her purse, opened it, and helped me drink it. "Thank you,"

"Would you like some help to sit up?" My mom asked.

I nodded, and she helped me sit up. "Mom, where's (Y/n)?" I asked, arching my eyebrows.

"Who?" She seemed confused.

"(Y/n), my wife."

"Mark, you're not married." She lifted an eyebrow.

My heart sunk, what's going on?! How could my mom not remember (Y/n)?! "Mom how could you not remember (Y/n)?!" I got frustrated.

She sat in silence, like she was thinking. "Mark, you're not married. You were at Vidcon, you fell off the stage and hit your head. You've been in a coma for 10 days."

I felt my heart break. "No mom, you're wrong. I'm married, and (Y/n) was just about to have twins! Something must've happened to you."

"I- I'll be right back Mark." She frowned deeply, and walked out of the room.

I felt my eyes water up. What if she was right? What if I just dreamt (Y/n) up? I've heard of these kind of things. Where people go into a coma even for a couple days, and they can dream up a whole life. It crushed me to know that (Y/n) might've just been a dream.

I instantly started to cry.

My mom came in with the doctor. "Hello mark, your mom told me you have some confusion. So I'm going to ask you a couple questions. Is that alright?" He smiled a fake smile at me.

I nodded, and wiped my tears.

He began to go on and on. This seemed to go on for awhile. Until he clicked his pen.

"Mark, I have some bad news for you."

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