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Q: Your favorite American show?

A: The Walking Dead

I was chilling with (Y/n) on the couch in the main room. Vincent's boyfriend was over, and Quinn's best friend was over. They were all in their rooms though.

We were watching Parks and Recreation. It was later in the evening, but I hadn't seen (Y/n) that much that day.

We both laughed, but hers slowly turned into a cough.

"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" I asked and rubbed her back.

"Yeah, I just have had this cough all day. I'm okay though." She coughed again, then stopped.

She then laid back, and sighed out. She was laying on my chest, and I was holding her waist, and I was holding onto her thigh. I had a hand on either of them.

(Y/n) had her arms wrapped around  my waist. "Mark?" (Y/n) looked up at me.

"Yeah, what's up?" I paused the show and looked down at her.

"I was- well I was thinking, maybe could I start my own YouTube channel?" She bit her lip. She seemed nervous about it.

I got excited. "Are you kidding me?! You'd be an amazing YouTuber! And I'll help you out as much as I can. We can do collabs, challenges, and maybe some sketches. And I'm sure the people will love you!" I hugged her tightly.

I knew she started to smile. "Can you help me out some though? I have no clue what I'm doing."

"Of course I will!" We both stood up, and headed to the recording room. She had her own computer in there, but we would have to get her some upgrades in it. But it was okay for now. It'd work.

I showed her what to do and how to do it. She seemed to pick up on it quite fast.

"Now what game would you like to play?" I asked, still leaning over the desk.

"What do you suggest is a good game to start with?" She asked, and hit her lip. I knew she wasn't the type to ask for help, so she didn't like this.

"A lot of YouTubers had started with Amnesia, but Amnesia days are over. I personally really like the Doom series, but you don't have to do that." I continued to look through my Steam account. I had logged into mine on her computer, because why waste money on buying games twice? "Subnautica is good, but maybe not for a starter." I informed her, but mostly saying it to myself. "There's happy wheels if you like flash games." I exited Steam and went onto the website where I played that game.

" Yeah, Happy Wheels seems like fun!" She smiled. "I think I want to play that one first."

"Okay well, just click that button when you're ready." I moved away from her desk and watched her, but she didn't click the button.

"I don't want you in here." She narrowed her eyes at me.

I sighed out. "Well okay. I'll probably distract you anyway." I kissed the top of her head. "You'll do great, okay?" I smiled reassuringly at her. "I know everyone will love you." I walked out of th room, and downstairs.

I knew why she didn't want me in the room. She was scared of judgement. I was a professional YouTuber and she was just starting. It was understandable. It's like if you were doing art right beside an artist. You know they'd judge your art. So she was scared of judgement, and I understood.

So I went up to Quinn's room, and opened the door. I saw the two girls sitting on the floor, and it was obvious they were talking. "I'm making dinner tonight. I'm starting it now, so tell your brother." I pointed to Quinn. "Yours too." I pointed to her best friend.

"What's for dinner?" Quinn asked.

"Chicken and dumplings, and by the way, you might want to keep it down. (Y/n) is busy right now. So don't be to loud." I smiled at them then left.

So, I walked to the kitchen and began dinner. Man was I excited to see (Y/n)'s first YouTube video!

I knew people would love her, but not as much as I love her. Obviously.

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