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Q: Wanna help me come up with questions?

A: ????

We held hands as we walked around the very busy mall. One month later, and (Y/n) started to show, which made me very happy.

We were going out to start shopping for a nursery. We would have to have double the stuff, and we wanted a space themed room. Or course if they were boys. If even one of them were boys, we'd be happy, so we weren't buying anything until we knew the genders of the babies. Just window shopping.

(Y/n) placed her free hand on her stomach, and we walked into the baby store. She was only two months pregnant, but officially looked three months.

An employee greeted the two of us, then left us on our way.

"Next month we'll get to know the genders of the babies. That's what the doctor told me." (Y/n) smiled at me.

I wasn't able to go to the ultrasound of this month. I been extremely busy, but it was just one ultrasound.

"The doctor said the twins won't be identical. So the twins could be the same general or opposite gender."

"Well, I just want one of them to be a boy." I smiled at her.

"That makes two of us." She smiled at me.

We walked over to the baby clothes, and even picked up some gender neutral onsies.

She snickered. "Are we gonna have the babies have matching names?" She asked, and slowly wandered to the toys.

"Matching names make me cringe, (Y/n) and you know that. We could just pick out names we like." I gave her a stern stare.

"Well what about matching middle names? Like it they were a bit and girl. One's middle name could be Finn and the girls middle name could be Finley. And if they were both girls, one middle name could be Luna and the other Rain. (My dogs name is Luna!) Ane if they were boys one could be Bounty and the other could be Hunter. Hunter is very southern and I personally don't like it, but in giving examples." She looked sternly back at me, mimicking me.

"Fine, their middle names can match, but I don't want their first names to match." I softened my gaze as I sae her smile.

"Their last names will match too." She winked at me, then looked at the toys.

I smirked. "Like our last names match."

I watched as a blush appeared in her cheeks. "Dammit, why us that making me blush? I already said it, but in different words." She bit her lip.

"Its cause you're cute." I smiled at her.

"I'm not cute, Mark." She looked at me sternly.

"Yes you are." My smile turned into a smirk. I knew she hated to be called cute, but she got cuter when she was mad.

"Mark I've told you many times, I'm not cute. I'm dangerous."

I rolled my eyes jokingly. "Whatever you say sweetheart."

We spent a couple more minutes looking at the toys, then went to the baby furniture. We really didn't know we needed all of this stuff.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder, and I sound around. I looked down to see a girl thatveas about the age of 17, and a baby in a stroller. "Excuse me, you're Markiplier." She smiled widely.

I smiled back at her. "That I am. And who are you two?" I asked, glancing at the baby, than back at her.

"I'm Marissa, and this is my son Christopher." She smiled down at the baby, who was also asleep.

"It's very nice to meet you."

She looked over my shoulder and saw (Y/n), her smile instantly spreading. "And you're (Y/n), Mark's wife!"

(Y/n) moved from behind me, and stood in front of me instead. "He-" She was cut off.

"And your baby bump! It's so cute. I'm so happy for you two. I wasn't exactly the happiest when I found out about Christopher. He was the result of rape, but I didn't want to abort him, and planned in giving him to a couple who didn't have any children. Further along the pregnancy, I grew I bind with him though, and now I'm extremely happy I kept him." She looked down at the sleeping baby with a content smile. "Anyway, can I get a picture with you two?" She asked.

"Of course you can!" I responded. I felt bad that she was raped. That explained why she looked so young yet had a baby.

We found someone to take a picture for us. (Y/n) and I then got a picture with our fan Marissa.

It made me happy that I had the opportunity to meet her. We talked a little more, and she tolde and (Y/n) about how we helped her. It meant everything that we got to touch the lives of our fans.

Hopefully our children will love us, and we can help them through hard times too.

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