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Q: Your favorite fruit?

A: Tomatoes probably.

A few days later it was the funeral day. (Y/n) was wearing a black dress with lace sleeves. She had done her makeup to make herself look good. While I was wearing my tuxedo. I hated my red hair for this occasion, but it was dyed so it stayed.

Quinn ran down the stairs in a skirt, black undershirt with a jacket- cover thing on. Vincent was also wearing a tuxedo.

Quinn hugged (Y/n). "I'm so sorry (Y/n) she apologized for the 50th time since.

"It isn't your fault, so stop apologizing." (Y/n) hugged Quinn back. "There isn't anything we could've done to stop this."

"I know, but I can't help but feel bad."

Before they could continue their conversation, Vincent turned off his phone. "We need to go now. We don't want to be late."

(Y/n) grabbed her purse, and we all headed out the door. The car ride was very quiet, no one seemed to say a word to each other. Of course there was the occasional remark, but not a conversation.

Once we got to the funeral home, everything suddenly turned real. It hadn't dawned on me fully till now. We sat in the reserved seating for us, after looking at the small coffin. It killed us to see a coffin that small.

The preacher got there, and th memorial service started.

"Funerals are always a sad thing, especially when it's a child. We're here to mourn the loss of Avalon Dahlia Fischbach. She didn't get to see this world, and we never got to meet her, but she will live on in our hearts. We can only imagine what her personality would be like. What she would look like. And how she would grow up to be." The preacher continued to speak about our baby girl.

I had my arm around (Y/n) the whole time. We were both crying, but trying to keep our composure. We were both trying to stay strong for the other.

We were both given a memorial box with a couple cards in it, a keychain, and a couple other things. We thanked everyone for coming to the funeral, and we all left to go home. It was a very depressing day.

When I got home, I changed in some more casual clothes, and I began to record. I turned on my recording equipment, and decided to just play a sad game. I just simply wasn't in the mood to joke, and this gave me the excuse not to joke. (Y/n) was taking another nap, so I was also trying not to bother her. Our recording equipment was in our room.

Whenever (Y/n) was sad, she slept a lot. I know that's how it is a lot of times, but she slept more than average.

I just let her sleep, knowing she was going through a hard time.

I could've told my subscribers I needed a break, because I did need one, but I didn't want to go on another break. I had did one when I got surgery and when Daniel died. I didn't want to leave my subscribers again. So I thoghed through it and made some videos.

I felt bad that I couldn't give out quality videos at this time. Even though some of my videos were me literally staring at a banana for 5 minutes.

I had to call it quits after about 3 hours of recording. My eyes were hurting from the screen and crying. So I just layer down with (Y/n) and fell asleep.

I just wished I could've done something.

And I wished I could've done more.

I was just frustrated with myself, and with life.

Guys! Okay so this dug up some memories of my grandpa's funeral. Which his funeral anniversary just happened to be a couple days ago (While I'm writing this).

Honestly, I just want to say that I've been through so much. I didn't even cry till my grandpa's funeral. I hate myself for that.

I didn't get to meet my dad's parents, and I haven't seen my grandma in almost 2 years. It's almost like I don't have anymore grandparents, and I'm not sad over that.

I feel bad that I can't even remember when the last time I cried was.

I just feel pretty screwed up.

I hope you all are okay after this chapter! Be safe and don't do anything to hurt yourself. I care about all of you!

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