
895 36 63

Q: Worst subject in school? (Besides math)

A: I hate literary analysis. (Kms)

Later the next day, we got on a flight back to LA. (Y/n) was holding my hand the whole way there, and Vincent came to pick us up from the airport.

Vincent helped carry some of the luggage. Being the good brother he is, he tried to make a joke to cheer (Y/n) up. Vincent had matured a lot ever since he came here, and I'm glad.

Sadly, (Y/n) didn't find any of the jokes amusing.

When we got back to the house, Vincent, (Y/n) and I carried the luggage to our room. Quinn came and hugged (Y/nb after she set the bag down.

"I love you." Quinn mumbled.

"I love you too." (Y/n) whispered.

On top of maybe losing the baby, (Y/n) was extremely tired. So her siblings left us alone, and (Y/n) laid down in bed. It was 8:00 PM.

I laid down beside my beautiful wife, and brushed her hair back. "Get some rest, you obviously really need it." I kissed the top of her head.

"I'm trying." She grumbled and smashed her face back into the pillow.

After a couple minutes if silence, she spoke again. "Mark, I didn't tell you but the doctor told me the gender of the baby." She made sure to not make eye contact.

"Wait what? I thought we'd wait for that." I got upset.

"I'm sorry, but I really wanted to know. Do you want me to tell you?" She looked a me this time.

"Yeah I wanna know!" I started to get hyped.

She sat up, and smiled. "We're having a baby girl." She grabbed a hold of my hand.

"A girl?!" I got excited and hugged her. "I wanted a girl, but I didn't want to say anything." I sighed out in relief. "Sorry, I'm just excited for the baby."

She broke the hug and looked down. "I am too, but I'm also scared."

"I know, I am too sweetheart. We'll be okay though. Everything will be okay." I whispered in her ear.

"Well, I'm gonna go ahead and go to sleep." She turned, and hugged her pillow. While I wrapped my arm around her, spooning her.

I brushed her hair back, and stayed awake. I knew that she was awake too. She had trouble sleeping.

I didn't blame her, but I held her close to me. I ended up falling asleep before her.


The next day, I woke up glad to see she was asleep. She needed sleep.

I slowly got out of bed, making sure I wouldn't wake her. I kissed her head, put some pants on, and walked downstairs. I decided to make her breakfast in bed.

I took eggs and bacon out of the fridge, and put a pan on the stove. I put butter on the pan, and let it melt. I then put four eggs in the pan, and scrambled them. I put salt and pepper into them. It didn't take long to cook though. They're eggs after all. I then cooked the bacon. (I dunno how beacons made sorry. I'm vegetarian)

I took two glasses, and filled them with orange juice.

I got two plates, and seperated the food evenly. I gave her a little more because I love her, and she was eating for two.

I put the plates and glasses on a tray, and took them upstairs. I struggled to open the door, but I got it open. I balanced the tray on my leg and held it with one hand so it wouldn't fall over. It was hard to explain, but I got the door open.

I slightly leaned in to see (Y/n) on her phone. She looked over at me, glanced at the tray and smiled. "Mark, did you make me breakfast?"

I nodded, and walked over to the bed. "I made eggs and bacon."

"Thank you so much, but you didn't have to."

"I wanted to, plus you deserve it. You've been going through a lot." I set the tray down, and took my plate, then sat down. I just wanted to make sure she had the plate with more food. "I'm going to record after this. I decided I'd announce us together." I smiled at her.

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

"I'm positive." I gave her a fork. "Now eat up so we can get to work."

She laughed. "Okay, okay"

Soon enough, we were at my desk, and started our video. "Hello everybody, my name is Markipleir, and I'm here with (Y/n)." My wife waved.

"Hello everyone." She smiled cheerfully, but still seemed hurt

"So, I wanted to announce to everyone that I just got married!" I maf ean excited face.

"To me, I am his wife." (Y/n) put her hand on her chest, signaling for herself.

"I just thought you all deserve to know. And I want everyone to know." We both looked at each other.

(Y/n) then looked back at the camera. "That also means that the baby is- in fact his." She placed her hand on her stomach.

We continued with the video, trying to make a quality video, but I felt it was garbage. (Me with my writing.)

Once we were done with the video, (Y/n) dropped her act and placed her hand on her stomach. "I'm gonna go take a shower. I'm in a lot of pain." She scrunched up her face, and walked to the bathroom connected to our room.

"I'm sorry honey, I hope you feel better." I frowned, knowing I could do nothing. "Do you want me to go to the store and buy a heating pad?"

"Could you?" She looked down.

"I'll be back soon. Just get as much rest as possible." I grabbed my phone, put it in my back pocket, then I headed out.

I grabbed my keys from the kitchen counter, and got to my car.

(Y/n) called me right as I was leaving the store though. All I knew was that I needed to get home, and fast!

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