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Q: I'm very curious- how did you find my story?

A: I'm kind of writing it. I know exactly what's going to happen next while you're reading this.

When I woke up I noticed (Y/n) wasn't in bed with me. She had woken up. So I rubbed my eyes, and checked the time. It was 7:00 PM.

I stood up, and got a certain cat off me. I then walked into the bathroom once I heard some water. She must be in the bath.

I opened the door, and peeked inside. Sure enough she was in the bath. She looked over at me and smiled reassuringly. "Hey Mark,"

I smiled at her and walked in. "Hey sweetheart; how are you doing?" I asked, and sat down beside the tub.

"Well I'm okay I guess." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah, I know." I sighed out, then stood up. "Want me to get in there with you?"

She nodded. "Yeah, come on in." She scooted up, and I began to get undressed. I folded my clothes and set them on the sink. I then scooted behind her in the tub.

I grabbed her waist, and held her close to me. I knew we were both hurting because of this, but I also knew it'd get better. "Why don't we spend the night together? After this bath why don't we go out, then we can come home and watch some b-list horror movies." I smiled down at her.

She looked up and me and smiled. "That'd be nice." She took my hands, and held onto them while I was still holding her.

So we soaked in the tub for a little longer, enjoying each other's near.

Once we got out, we both wrapped ourselves in a towel, and walked to our room. I of course grabbed my clothes from the sink, and set them in the hamper.

(Y/n) grabbed a shirt from the closet, then walked over to the dresser and grabbed some pants, panties and a bra. She let go of her towel and began to dress herself. I did the same, minus the bra.

She picked up her towel and bent forward she started to dry her hair.

We both finished getting ready, and once she was done with her makeup- we left.

We held hands as I drove with my free hand to the restaurant I was gonna take her. We needed to go now before they all closed. We decided on not doing anything to special, so we just went to the same seafood place that we went to when we first met.

We had the same order of fish, and she sat down while I waited for the food. It made me happy to be here again. This was the place I had lunch with (Y/n) when we first met. It seemed so long ago.

I thanked the cashier, and sat down with (Y/n). I handed her the food, and set mine where I was sitting. I sat across from her, and we began to eat. "So I was thinking after we eat, why don't we go walk around a park. Its dark, but you've got me to protect you." I flexed, and she giggled.

"Of course Mark, that'd be very nice." She took my hand and kissed it. "But will we still have time for the b-list movies?"

"Of course we will!" I chimed excitedly. We finsuhed to our meal, and had some nice conversations.

"Mark, I was looking on my channel the other day, and I'm getting quite popular. Even though it's really hard to upload right now, I'm still trying. It seems to be paying off." She laughed quietly as she was happy about that. It made me happy to see her happy.

"It doesn't surprise me. You're amazing." I winked at her, and she smiled her adorable smile.

"What does your subscribers say about me?"

"I dunno, let me find some comments." I smirked and pulled out my phone. I opened up the YouTube app, opened up the video- paused it, then looked through the comments. All seemed to be good. Everyone was so supportive. I read some out to her, avoiding some of the horrible comments. There were a few bad ones about her, but not many. Either way, the bad ones simply weren't true. She's amazing.

She was smiling like an idiot. But she definitely wasn't an idiot.

I bit my lip and decided it was time to tell her about Vincent. "Not to rain on your parade, but I got some news."

Her smile dropped. "What is it?"

"Vincent told me that he wants to move out, and he wants to take Quinn. He said since we're starting a family he thinks we need more space."

She nodded. "That makes sense." That's all she said. Really?

"You're not going to say anything else?" I leaned in.

"Well, if he wants to move he can. I don't want to force him to stay here. He can do what he wants, and its nice of him to consider us. He's really grown up." She smiled to me, but I could tell she was upset he was leaving.

"He is very nice." I smiled at her, then took our empty plates and threw them away- as they were disposable.

(Y/n) grabbed her bag, then we got in the car and left to the park.

I was so glad to be with her, even if it wasn't with our baby girl.

Hey guys! So I just wanna give a shoutout to my friend kim_kular

She's pretty cool and her stories are really good! It'd mean a lot if you just checked them out. Thank you!

Also, just so you guys know, I'm EXTREMELY busy right now. I have a play I've been in and it's final 2 weeks. I haven't been home. Please understand if I'm late on an update. Thanks again! c:

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