{Noi siamo solo amici}

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Guys! I stayed up till like 1:00am drawing this picture. I like it!

If you haven't seen Attack On Titan, then you don't know who these guys are. The black haired kid is Marco. The one behind him is Jean. Those two happen to be my favorite characters in the show. For those of you who have seen AOT, no it isn't Levi. I love Jean and Marco.

Oh! Marco joke! Jean is Marcos other half! Marco isn't half the man he use to be!

I was talking to someone and I was like "I could dress up as Marco 'cause I'm half the size of an average person." and that person was upset at me. I'm technically not half the size of an average person, I'm 4'10. But oh well!

You may continue to read and ignore me rambling!



"As we both know, I've been dating Drew for awhile. For the first week or two, he was so nice. After that, he's been pointing out my flaws. He-he would say my nose was too big, I was too tall/short. (if you're more on the short side then say short. If you're taller say tall. I'm personally short. 4'10 for the win!) Something he says a lot is that I'm chubby. I can't help it!" She frowned and crossed her arms. A tear slid down her face.

I was pissed. How could he do that?

"(Y/n)" I started. "Don't listen to what he says. I know you probably value his opinion the most, but he's lying. You're perfect the way you are." I wiped the tear off her cheek, but more came. "You're gorgeous. I don't care if you're talk or short. Skinny or chubby. I love you for you. You're not chubby though. You're so thin that when I hug you, I can feel your ribs. Please keep eating, you need it." I meant every word I said. She was perfect. She didn't need to change for anyone.

She started to cry even more. "M-Mark.." She trailed off and hugged me tightly. Awkward car hug. It was so hard to see someone like (Y/n) like this. It was even harder to see someone you love like this.

After awhile, we looked at each other deep in each other's eyes. Her bloodshot (E/c) meant my brown eyes. The next thing I knew, we were kissing. I was kissing the one I was fighting for this whole time.

I was so happy.

She so in pulled away though. She looked away. "Let's just go back to your moms house." She bit her lip awkwardly.

I sighed to myself and turned the car on. My happiness was sucked away. She didn't want the kiss. We both went for it, but I knew she regretting it.

The rest of the day, (Y/n) kinda avoided me. She just stayed in her room.

I didn't see her the rest of the day, until late at night. (Y/n) walked into my old bedroom. "Mark?" She whispered. "Are you awake?"

I sat up "Yeah, I'm awake."

I heard (Y/n) sigh and crawl into my bed. "I'm sorry, Mark. I didn't meant to-" I cut her off.

"It's okay; it's my fault anyway." I shuffled slightly. "I have a question though."

"Lay it on me."

"Why are you still with Drew if he does that?" I frowned. I wanted her, and I'm sure she knew that.

"I-i just..." She trailed off. She then took a deep breath. "I love him. Even though he says these things that hurt. my feelings, I still love him. It's shed to explain. He makes me want to cry sometimes. Other times he makes me so happy to be with him. He's so confusing. Sometimes I feel like he really loves me. Other times I feel like he secretly hates me."

I stared at her with a worried look on my face. I grabbed her shoulders. "(Y/n), that isn't a healthy relationship. You need someone to make you feel happy all the time. Who makes you feel loved all the time. He obviously doesn't. If he loved you, he wouldn't be saying these things." I took a deep breath. "(Y/n), I love you."

(Y/n) stayed silent for awhile, as if thinking for processing what to say. "I lo-" She cut herself off and shook her head. "No, I can't. I love Drew and I can't live anyone else. Even though he may not oboe me at times, I love him all the time. I'm sorry Mark, but we're just friends."

Just friends.

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